Member since
November 2018
On-time repayments
17 installments • 47%
Fanuel, passed to join high school, my parents were un able to pay, joined jua Kali worked raise money paid my high school fee. again sponsored my college using my minial jobs, was not lucky to complete to high fee.
Started a small photocopy shop with little savings from my minial jobs, from this was able to raise some money. bought 4 computers, took small loan from Post Bank rented a room n started computer services including training for computer. I registered my business MOUNT EVEREST HERITAGE INSTITUTE.with the help of a friend, now is my source of income. it has a total investment of Ksh. 270,000 n it give me a revenue of averagely ksh 20,000 after expenses. this pays for my children fees and my up keep. I feel I need funds to improve on my business to increase productivity
to purchase computer peripherals such as mouse, keyboards
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 6, 2019
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
4 weeks
Other loans
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