Repair motorcycle


Kitale, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

234 installments  •  17%

About Me

Am Ann Njoki I 45 years old. single parent to 2 children and 1 grandson. Am a resident of Kitale in transnzoia Kenya.I have diploma in sales and marketing plus several certificates on entrepreneurship short term courses i have dealt with cosmetics & beauty.but 5 years ago i had a fatal road accident, i fractured my leg &pelvic on the right side, it was plated but it was plated but am still unstable to date. After alot of soul searching and determination i have embraced motorbike (Boda boda )transport business by leasing a motorbike from a friend who changed from transport to farming.Despite my condition am handworking and determined to steer myself and my family for better. I was invited to Zidisha by a friend Zippy Nangila, who is a road accident victim like me, our Sons shares the same name and birthdays,fate brought us together to share, console and move forward with funding from Zidisha

My Business

I am in motorcycle taxi (boda boda) transport business.I have Leased it at $3 per day that is ksh 300,i fuel daily and service it on weekly service, i make a profit ksh 600 this is $6 per day son drives the motorcycle because he has a valid driving license .Due to this motorbike Condition i get less profit because am unable to service it well to gain good power on long term. I need funding from Zidisha to enable me to buy new tyres and tube ,to service it to perfection for me to the get a good profit with a guarantee to save some money to buy my own motorcycle for transport someday. kitale is a growing town, it surrounded by farms and upcoming Housing Estates, therefore motorcyle transport in my good and in demand, it pays well cause it is speedy a destination and can access all interior areas. Please make my dream come true by funding me. my life hobbies are you technology,watching documentaries,flowers ,cookies & knitting ,sky is the only limit, i have the zeal to success through hardworking and proper venture like this motorcycle transport bussiness.please fund me, make it happen

Loan Proposal

I need to repair this lended motorcycle for me to increase my daily profit,with to hope buy mine after good saving because motorbike transport is well paying in my region, demand is high and it the most preferably mode of transport due to thin murram road and going interior to farmlands where most for people commute to and from town for selling,buying,work,banks and medical services.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 8, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Sterling, United States

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