Materials & advertising for tutoring service

Alexander Orall

Sunyani, Ghana

100% repaid



Alexander Orall

Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

56 installments  •  79%

About Me

I am married with three children. After school I secured a job as manager of a small Susu business in Ghana call Standtall Susu Services. I am not comfortable with the meagre earning I make every month. Thinking twice, I decided to act on the advice of a colleague and venture into cow business.
This business is easy to do once you can buy the calf as well get free grassy land where the cows can feed. I have spoken a Fulani Cowboy in my who have agreed to take my cows for when I purchase them.

My Business

I manage Standtall Susu Business and have decided to into cattle rearing as a second business to support my family.
I want to begin with three calves which will cost GHS1700 including transportation from Buipe Cow Market to Techiman, in the Brong Ahafo. A loan from Zidisha can help me purchase three calves to begin my new business.

Loan Proposal

ADRESENT provides research seminar solutions and tutorial services to students. The immediate needs of the business are projector, website, and operation cash for making advertisement and going rounds to schools. This loan will be used to pay the cost of advertising flier to create more sales. Subsequent loans will be used to pay website development cost. In estimation, all the mentioned needs will be acquired by the December 2015.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 8, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Montreal, Canada

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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