Resilient two in one general supplies


Nakuru, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

July 2016

On-time repayments

3 installments  •  67%

About Me

Am a teacher by profession.I live in Nakuru county,Mawanga estate in Nakuru north district next to Kenya Industrial Training Institute.I run a small dairy.I am requesting that you lend me KES 19000/.This will help me procure a freezer and a pasteurizer.These equipments will help reduce losses incured due to perishability of milk.This will also in operating within the law as these are a legal requirements under the ministry of health and also The Dairy Board of Kenya.
I am convinced that given this kind of support ,I will achieve my main goal of running a chain of dairies within this region.This will see me create job opportunites both directly and indirectly to the deserving Kenyans.I have always believed that with determination,everything is possible.It is through this resillience that I have beaten the odds in life to become what I am today.For instance,I have done my undergraduate degree courtesy of my meagre salary through open distance and e-learning programme.When other young people enjoyedtheir salaries in all sorts of fantasies,I chose not to.With this kind of mentality,I believe am headed far.Thank you in advance.

My Business

I deal with dairy products.The business has been in operation since the beginning of this year.The main challange has been lack of preservation equipments.It is for this reason that I have tried to reach out to Zidisha.As stated above,These equipment will help me reduce the losses I have incurred in the past.The other source of my income is my salary.I am employed as a high school teacher.

Loan Proposal

Describe what you will do with the loan. (Minimum 10 characters)once I access the loan,I shall buy cereals from rift valley region where the prices are currently relatively low.I shall take the cereals to central region where there's ready market. this shall happen twice per week.this way,I shall manage to raise pr
ofit and keep paying my loan every Sunday. Thanks.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 11, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week




United States

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