

Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2020

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is mercy waithira aged 32yrs married and a mother of 3 children where the first born is 8, second 3 and third is 1 and half yrs. i was born and raised in rift valley in year 1987, this county is well known for athletic champions, tea farming, maize, beans and wheat, livestock farming and poultry farming, also is known for its natural beauty like hills, valley and lakes like lake Nakuru, the environment here is so conducive.
I schooled here for both primary and secondary school and after completing secondary school I joined (K I M S) collage where I did business management and sales and marketing, after completing my course I was employed in several establishment before the desire of being my own boss grew up in me.
Am a go getter and I believe in myself through hard work I can achieve many things through Christ who is my strength, am determined to work hard in order to see my children through education and at least sustain their livelihood.

My Business

From the little saving I had I ventured into business in the year 2018 where I started diaper and electrical shop, by then it was doing quite well and I was able to meet my needs and that of the family. But come early this year my sales started dropping due to this world disaster covid -19 pandemic since most 0f my customers went to up country for the fear of pandemic and survival in the city which affected my business. But since things are normalizing though the fear is still there I would like to boost my business again since I had used the little saving I had to put meal on the table for the family(after all people needs to eat)in order to maintain my sales as it was there before this monster erupted.
My business capital was 1500$ before covid-19, Back then I was able to have sales of 100$ in a week where in a month I was able to get a profit of 400$ out of this I was able to pay all rents, school fees and feeding the family and saving little remaining

Loan Proposal

if given a loan i will add more stock to my shop for a better and more profit which will enable me to she my children through education cater for my needs and save the little for in case of emergency.

Income Source

i believe i will be able to repay the loan since in the field that am in children are born every day and there for usage of diapers is must so even if we are somehow affected we are tying to press on.





  • Sabrina    Feb 7, 2021

    Mercy paid back her loan back, even before it was due. I wish her all the best for her future projects.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 20, 2020

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Mercy a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


