Member since
February 2017
On-time repayments
42 installments • 7%
i studied a bachelor of science degree at moi university in eldoret currently working as a sales manager with a local financial institution based in the capital city of kenya married with 3 kids
i am in the business of retailing wines and spirits currently located at a bus terminus in eastlands of nairobi city with two full time assistants helping in serving supplying customers & funds collections
30 to 50 dollars income per day
to increase in business retail & supplies of wines and spirits
seeking assistance in expanding business territory & manpower. my second year in the business with intention of expanding outlets & network base to other towns with huge growth potential. I currently have three outlets. Am looking for a modest capital injection that would give birth to at least one more outlet in a different town about 30kms away. The town is by the shores of lake Victoria with fewer & substandard entertainment joints. The authorities have given me the go ahead. A premise has been inspected & given the nod. Other than that I work as a marketer full time with a financial institution thus am fully equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills relevant to run such a business outfit. Am thus seeking your financial aid/loan
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 27, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 months
Other loans
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