Servicing motorcycle


Kilifi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

August 2016

On-time repayments

70 installments  •  21%

About Me

was born and raised at Nakuru town. even though moved to coast in year 2008 where l do stay currently.
l own a motorcycle that l use to earn my daily bread. this was after realizing how greatly the bodaboda industry is thriving within this region.
coast people are very friendly and always eager to help.
l enjoy reading whenever am free.

My Business

My business entails transporting people from one region to another and goods.motorcycle transportation is on demand since it's cheap affordable to most people and convenient because it's easy to get into the interior parts.the expenses in this business include fuel cost,license cost,insurance cost ,maintenance cost that amount to US 69 per month.this leaves a profit margin of approximately US 89 per month.the profit I get I use in reinvestment where I use 30% of the profit as I save the rest.

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to service my motorcycle that entails changing engine oil worth ksh. 300,changing back and front tires worth ksh.500 each and paying Labour worth ksh 400.This will enable me meet my family needs as I carry out my transportation business with ease.I expect my profit to increase at a high percentage since my motorcycle will be in good condition and there will be no frequent breakdown when completely serviced.I will be able to reach out to my clients on time hence maintaining them and also protecting my source of income.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Jeff Tyler

Poquoson, United States

Ask Sammy a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


