Loan to purchase shirts and shoes for my shop

Eric Quajo

Ho, Agortime Kpetoe., Ghana

7% repaid



Eric Quajo

Member since

September 2016

On-time repayments

84 installments  •  7%

About Me

Eric Quajo Neymar is my name . Making my star shine has always been my motivation. It is what propel me to do what l do today and to eliminate what l eliminate today. It is what affect what l sow today with the knowledge of what l will reap tomorrow. I am a graduate of Senior High School and l am currently in the polytechnic. I am offering art . I love to draw and design. I have been able to foot my educational expenses through what l do on my own. I was brought up by a single parent. My mother. She actually looked after me by farming. Through her farming , she has been able to put food on the table for the whole family and also been able to provide amply for the family. Through her hardworking l have been encouraged and following the same record. Hope to change the whole family and it is in progress. I did farming to be able to assist financially.. We are happy to have made it to this level. Hope to exceed and to make my dream and the dream of my family a reality.

My Business

I have set up a shop loaded with male and female shoes , male and female wears. I buy shoes and shirts from my producers. It help my customers to have shoes to wear , shirts to wear and it generally make my customers look good. Guys and ladies like to buy from me because l always buy and sell quality goods to the taste of my customers. This really intrigue me and l love to see my customers look good and filled with laughter. My profit margin increases as a result of good services to my customers. Every profit made goes into the business , percentage of it is saved and part of it goes into the improvement of my home.

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to buy 50 pieces of men wears , 50 pieces of women wears and 50 pieces of men and children shoes. It will help me get exactly what my customers want and it will attract them the more anytime they are in need of shirts and shoes.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 13, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

20 months



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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