Shoes trade


Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso


$0 to go

100% funded of $182 goal


days left




Member since

November 2014

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  100%

About Me

I was born on January 1, 1981 in the city of Sya, single with a child. My name is Claver Kombasséré. I did my primary and secondary school in the town of Bobo Dioulasso and am holder of two diplomas namely the primary study certificate and the Study Patent undergraduate obtained in the same city. My parents could not afford my studies, I saw my dreams fall apart. This new situation forced me to register the 'SND' (National Development Service) in order to take care and think about my future. This entry in the SND went well for August 2009 to August 2010 mainly in the towns of Kaya and Dori. Returning to Bobo Dioulasso after a year's absence, I devoted myself to the shoe trade. The experience gained gave me the idea to get into this trade that generates my income.

My Business

After all my experiences looking around in the commercial field I am aware that a good trade policy takes courtesy, hospitality and good service, essential things for a better sale. My optimism to believe in my chance and evolve a lot in this sector made me a very ambitious person. I buy the shoes from some traders on site at the central market of Bobo that I sell all day long. I can up my products without too much difficulty and it allows me to have a sales income of three thousand five hundred and often beyond. I can support my family, consisting of my son of two years and his mother. I also need this activity to manage other critical needs. I seek through Zidisha an additional support to improve my business.

Loan Proposal

After all his experiences traversed in trade, and for good aware that trade policy must be associated courtesy, hospitality and service well done, essential things for a better sale. The optimism to believe in my chances and evolve much in this sector promoter made me a very ambitious person. I take the shoes with some traders on site at the central market of Bobo that I sell all day long. I arrive at my products passed without much difficulty and it allows me to have on my sales income of three thousand five hundred and often beyond. I can support my family consisted of my son two years and his mother. I also happen through this activity to manage other critical needs. I seek to Zidisha additional supports to improve my business.

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About Me

Je suis née le 01 janvier 1981 dans la ville de Sya, célibataire avec un enfant, je me nomme Claver Kombassere. J'ai fais mon école primaire et secondaire dans la ville de Bobo Dioulasso et suis détenteur de deux diplômes a savoir le Certificat d'étude primaire ainsi que le Brevet d'étude du premier cycle obtenue dans cette même ville .Mes parents n'ayant pas les moyens de payer mes études, j'ai vu mes rêves brisés. Cette nouvelle situation m'obligea de m'inscrire au 'SND' (Service National pour le Développement) afin de m'occuper et de réfléchir sur mon avenir. Cette inscription au SND s'est bien passée d’Aout 2009 à Aout 2010 principalement dans la ville de kaya et de Dori. Revenu après un an d'absence à Bobo Dioulasso, je me suis consacré au commerce de chaussure. Il faut reconnaitre que la somme et l'expérience ainsi acquise ma donné l'idée de me lancer dans ce commerce qui est génératrice de revenu.

My Business

Apres toutes ses expériences parcoururent dans le domaine commercial, et conscient que pour une bonne politique commerciale il faut associer la courtoisie, l’accueil et le service bien fait, choses incontournable pour une meilleure vente. L’optimisme de croire a mes chances et d’évoluer dans ce secteur beaucoup promoteur fait de moi une personne très ambitieuse. Je prends les chaussures auprès de certains commerçants sur place au marché central de Bobo que je revends à longueur de journée. J’arrive à écoulé mes produits sans trop de difficultés et cela me permet d’avoir sur mes ventes un bénéfice de trois mille cinq cent souvent au delà. J’arrive à prendre en charge ma petite famille composé de mon fiston de deux ans ainsi que sa mère. J’arrive aussi grâce à cette activité de gérer d’autres besoins cruciaux. Je sollicite auprès de zidisha un soutient supplémentaire afin d’améliorer mon activité.

Loan Proposal

After all his experiences traversed in trade, and for good aware that trade policy must be associated courtesy, hospitality and service well done, essential things for a better sale. The optimism to believe in my chances and evolve much in this sector promoter made me a very ambitious person. I take the shoes with some traders on site at the central market of Bobo that I sell all day long. I arrive at my products passed without much difficulty and it allows me to have on my sales income of three thousand five hundred and often beyond. I can support my family consisted of my son two years and his mother. I also happen through this activity to manage other critical needs. I seek to Zidisha additional supports to improve my business.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

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