Purchasing a laptop for my social-media marketing business


Lusaka, Zambia

80% repaid




Member since

August 2016

On-time repayments

85 installments  •  31%

About Me

My child hood wasn't easy I lost both parents very early and grew up being kept by an uncle who never supported my school. Once I completed high school with my sister s assistance I sponsosered myself to college until I had an advanced diploma and certificate in business administration. I got into consultancy after always finding my self reading extensively on brands and what makes them grow after a time in would help my friends with companies with social media strategy for their companies. The culture in my country is very warm and welcoming few countries in Africa have the warmth and kindness that is found in Zambia. In my past time I go to community schools to talk to orphaned children about the benefits of literacy and how it has helped me to get a step closer to my dreams.

My Business

I provide social media marketing services I have consistent clients on a weekly basis. So many sme's in Zambia more than 500,000 a lot of them don't understand social media marketing. So I help them at a fee of K500 per month. Biggest cost is purchasing of data at about k300 per month. I am passionate about marketing consulting and its my chosen career path all proceeds go to further my schooling to acquire a degree in business Administration.

Loan Proposal

Once I acquire the loan i wish to purchase another laptop @ $104.00 and to get an intern from the community school whom I can groom and assist with school costs through profits made. The person has been selected hopefully I can continuously do so for more less privaledged people. I believe that will grow the business as lately more clients have been coming in to ask for the service I provide. Profit will increase from k200 to k700 with a salary of k200 going to cover transport and stationery costs for the intern assuming we get two clients a month.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 17, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

19 months



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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