Add Stock for Computer Accessories


Boyolali, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2014

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  60%

About Me

introduce my name Amril,my age is38. in 2006 I started a computer business in the region precisely boyolali kelgo area districts, according to which at the time still sedikit.dan itu.persaingan I first opened the business with my tenacity kecil.dengan capital accompanied prayer, I immediately dove mengeluti special effort in the field of computer repair services and sales of printers and cartyrigde, according to which with my repair services benefit more than 100 percent, and many of my customers among government agencies, schools either sd, smp, and smk, hopefully with increasing stock item it will increase my turnover and can pay installments on time

My Business

now there are two types of businesses that are engaged in the internet which has 12 pc one server, who only serve store that sales laptop computer, printer, ink, and other asesories, I was expecting a loan that I can add to the stock of goods, funds that I need approximately USD 61,900.00
money they will want me to use to purchase a variety of, goods, for example 50unit canaon printers and printer unit 10 hp, 140 units cartrigde canon pg 810, 20 units catrigde canon ink cl 811.100 liter all color, hopefully with kindness givers can help me thank you

Loan Proposal

I use the money to purchase a printer, catrigde, ink and acesories, which often sell at my store, hopefully with this loan can fulfill my needs to buy the goods, hopefully with increasing number of items in my store, can attract visitors to come ketoko this saya.selama buyer demand very much at all, where the goods are many who seek it

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

perkenalkan saya nama amril umur 38 tahun,,tahun 2006 say memulai usaha computer di wilayah boyolali teapt didaerah kecamatan klego,yg mana pada saat itu.persaingan masih sedikit.dan saya pertama kali membuka usaha dgn modal kecil.dgn keuletan saya di sertai doa saya langsung terjun mengeluti usaha computer khusus dibidang jasa service dan penjualan printer sdan cartyrigde,yg mana dgn jasa service saya mendapatkan keuntung lebih dari 100 persen,dan pelanggan saya banyak dari kalangan instansi pemerintahan,baik sekolah sd,smp,dan smk,semoga dgn bertambahnya kecukupan stok barang maka akan meningkatkan omzet saya dan dapt menbayar angsuran tepat waktu

My Business

usaha yg saya geluti bergerak di bidang computer dan pengadaan barang /jasa,penghasilan saya banyak saya dapat dari penjualan printer ,laptop dan printer dan instal ulang,mengganti part laptop,baik berupa ganti keyboarb atau led,atau batu batere,carger baik merk hp atau acer,,dan yg sering banyak diganti laptop merk acer dan hp

Loan Proposal

uang tersebut saya gunakan untuk pembelian printer,catrigde,tinta dan acesories ,yang selama ini sering laku di toko saya,semoga dgn pinjaman ini bisa memenuhi kebutuhan saya untuk membeli barang tersebut ,semoga dgn bertambahnya jumlah barang di toko saya ,dapat menarik pengunjung datang ketoko saya.selama ini permintaan pembeli sangat banyak sekali,dimana barang tersebut banyak sekali yg mencarinya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 13, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Ontario, Canada


New Jersey, United States

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