Stock motor vehicle spare shop


Nakuru, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

June 2016

On-time repayments

83 installments  •  40%

About Me

I was born in a humble family of 11 being the 8th born and started my preparatory education in 1983 then proceeded to primary level where I completed my KCPE in 1991. Afterwards I joined secondary school and did my KCSE in 1995 and joined college where I pursued a secretariat course and completed 1998.

My major hardship started where I was employed as a secretary when my boss inserted alot of pressure on my job and making unnecessary demands then I quit.

My Business

The main goods and services I provide are motor vehicle spareparts and are very useful for replacing the worn out ones in transport sector whereby I enjoy the monopoly in my area of service.The idea of starting my own business was born from my former employment dealing with motor vehicle spare parts which was profitable and I decided to open mine . The job is motivating as I meet different people who are very determined to succeed in transport department. They fight to see their vehicles repaired to achieve in this competing life. The major costs and revenue I generate are used to maintain the business and I hope this loan will boost this venture by 50% and help meet my clients' needs. The profits have been utilised to expand the stock, pay school fees for my kids and cater for all my needs.

Loan Proposal

Will buy lubricant and spares e. g plugs, bearings, stabliser links which have run out of stock. Price for items
Pugs ksh 2100 per 10pcs
stabliser link ksh 300 @
Bearings 12649 Japanese make 500@
Total lubricant TIR 7400 5l pack 7200 ksh.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 18, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months




Arlington, VA, United States



United States

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