Stock vaccine for my chicks

Endang Ariani Koesnawan

Nunukan, Indonesia

100% repaid



Endang Ariani Koesnawan

Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

102 installments  •  28%

About Me

Introduce my name Endang Arianie Koesnawan. . . I was born in the small town of Tarakan. My parents from east java and wander to kalimantan. I am the second child of 4 siblings. I come from a very simple family. My mother worked as a supervisor at a frozen shrimp company and the deceased father worked as a driver. Alhamdulillah I can finish my education until smk even though I have to go to school while working part time in the company of frozen shrimp. Although I really want to continue my education in lp3i. But my family economy is not possible, I canceled my intention. Then I worked in the frozen shrimp company as a permanent employee. Until the end I married and followed the husband"s office. After marriage, I do not automatically work my full reliance on husband"s salary. Because I am used to work I also take advantage of my toxicity. Incidentally I can cook and make cookies. I started a small business and put the cakes in the shop. As time went by, my children were born. I currently have 5 children. I think the kids are getting bigger, surely the cost of living and education is getting bigger. I also think I should prepare a business before my husband retires. I am currently living in the north of the Malaysian border. Because my husband was assigned dikodim nunukan.

My Business

Our source of income comes from the salary and livestock business broiler chickens almost a year we pioneered. We see this prospect is quite good because in our area the supply of chicken pieces are still dependent of malaysia. Because we only have limited capital, then at this moment we are only able to maintain 300 tails. Although for our own sales we are quite overwhelmed because the demand is quite a lot. Our gross turnover from this chicken business is about 15/16 million, to buy 300 poultry of my chickens around 1,000,000 rupiah, which is costly for every chicken need around 35000 rupiah / ekor so I have to spend as much as 9,150,000 rupia plus price Chicken seeds 1,000,000, a total of 10,000,000 rupiah, from which I can still profit between 3.5 million - 5 million rupiah once the harvest

Loan Proposal

While this is to buy vitamins and vaccines vaccine ayam__eye 45.000__neobro 27.000__vitachik 27,000

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Perkenalkan nama saya Endang Arianie Koesnawan... saya lahir dikota kecil Tarakan. Orang tua saya dari jawa timur dan merantau ke kalimantan. Saya anak ke 2 dari 4 bersaudara. Saya berasal dari keluarga yg sangat sederhana. Ibu saya bekerja sebagai pengawas di perusahaan udang beku dan almarhum bapak bekerja sebagai sopir. Alhamdulillah saya bisa menamatkan pendidikan saya sampai smk meski saya harus sekolah sambil bekerja paruh waktu diperusahaan udang beku. Walau sebenarnya saya ingin melanjutkan pendidikan saya di lp3i. Tapi saya dengan keadaan ekonomi keluarga tidak memungkinkan, saya membatalkan niat saya. Kemudian saya bekerja diperusahaan udang beku sebagai karyawan tetap. Sampai akhir nya saya menikah dan mengikuti dinas suami.
setelah menikah, otomatis saya tidak bekerja sepenuh nya saya mengandalkan gaji suami. Karena saya terbiasa bekerja saya pun memfaatkan kebisaan saya. Kebetulan saya bisa masak dan membuat kue - kue. Saya mulai bisnis kecil2an menitipkan kue diwarung2. Seiring berjalan nya waktu, anak2 saya lahir. Saya saat ini memiliki 5 anak. Saya berpikir anak2 semakin besar, pastilah biaya hidup serta pendidikan semakin besar. Saya juga berpikir harus menyiapkan sebuah usaha sebelum suami pensiun. Saat ini saya bermukim dikalimantan utara perbatasan malaysia. Karena suami saya ditugaskan dikodim nunukan.

My Business

Sumber penghasilan kami berasal dari gaji dan usaha ternak ayam broiler yg hampir setahun kami rintis. Kami melihat prospek ini cukup baik karena didaerah kami pasokan ayam potong masih bergantung dari malaysia. Karena kami hanya memiliki modal terbatas, maka saat ini kami hanya mampu memelihara 300 ekor. Meskipun untuk penjualan sendiri kami cukup kewalahan karena permintaan yg cukup banyak. Omset kotor kami dari usaha ayam ini berkisar 15/16 juta, untuk membeli bibit ayam sebanyak 300 ekor saya uang sekitar 1,000,000 rupiah, yang mahal itu biaya operasionalnya setiap ayam mebutuhkan sekitar 35000 rupiah/ekor sehingga saya harus mengeluarkan uang sebanyak 9,150,000 rupia ditambah dengan harga bibit ayam 1,000,000, total 10,000,000 rupiah, dari situ saya masih bisa untung antara 3,5 juta - 5 juta rupiah sekali panen

Loan Proposal

Sementara ini buat beli vitamin dan vaksin ayam
eye vaksin 45.000
neobro 27.000
vitachik 27.000





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 4, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Endang Ariani Koesnawan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jun 27, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
May 12, 2017 $1.54 May 12, 2017 $1.54
May 19, 2017 $1.54 May 12, 2017 $1.54
May 26, 2017 $1.54 May 26, 2017 $1.54
Jun 2, 2017 $1.54 May 26, 2017 $1.54
Jun 9, 2017 $1.54 May 26, 2017 $1.54
Jun 16, 2017 $0.38 Jun 27, 2017 $0.38
