Strength with zidisha


Nakuru, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2014

On-time repayments

50 installments  •  64%

About Me

I am an adult, married with three children. Professionally I am a teacher and proprietor for Nakuru intellect bookshop . I finished high school with a very good grade and joined university after difficult high school life because of lack of finances. Before joining university i worked in the informal sector for a neighbor in his tomato farm for one year earning $30 per month. After college I joined the education sector working for government as a schools teacher. To supplement my income i engaged my self in books selling which am currently doing though with financial challenges but i do have a resolve to make a market niche in spite of other established books sellers doing similar business. Support from Zidisha will help me realize my goal as a regional and later a national books seller. I am grateful to be associated with the entire Zidisha family for i do know that from the living testimonies around our environs business have propelled as a result of this social banking concept.Thank you and God bless Zidisha team.

My Business

My books selling business involves buying of secondary and primary books at bulk purchase price both exercise and text books. Normally I do buy from established appointed distributors. As has been in our education system books are an important resource in our education system. Books do have high demand but again due to many sellers in the market one has to establish his clientele base. Mostly being in the education sector has been a plus factor to me since I supply to various schools manly primary and secondary schools. Basically I chose this way of the enterprise because it is in line with my profession and also as a way of value addition to the education to my students and the schools at large. In the normal business point of profits I do manage an income of $230 net per month.However this being a good profit margin will help me repay the loan without much financial rough parch being experienced. My part of the profit goes to my kids education, my one employee, then the difference is reinvested in the business. Also one casual employee is factored in the same profit budget system. My positive expectation is that with this loan the business will go to the next level hence more growth.

Loan Proposal

If awarded this loan I will use it to fund one line product purchase. Given this initial amount I will dedicate it to buy a stock of mathematical Logarithm tables because they in high demand in readiness for school season beginning January 2015. This product is projected to give a return of at least 25%. it will be a boost to the business because I will use other monies to buy other products for stock. Therefore it will be a relief that at least I am assured of this purchase through Zidisha.
Happy with Zidisha, Thank you very much.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 1, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Candiac, Canada


vancouver, Canada

Evan Lamos

Brussels, Belgium

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



Berlin, Germany

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