Milk and diapers for a baby purpose store


Kota Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

131 installments  •  32%

About Me

I am the first child of 2 siblings, my father has died since I was in high school so since high school I learned to make my own money, starting from work part time ato any work that can add income. . __Currently I am married and have 3 children where my first child is 2 years old and the new twins are 6 months old. . __Now I am working in a hotel and have a side business selling online with my wife, the rigors of life and the responsibility of 3 young children make me think of making money in addition to relying on salary so I pioneered an online business with my wife. . __In Indonesia today online business is good because many people who prefer to buy goods online rather than offline may be more practical because it can save time and energy. . __My Hobby more related to homework, I like to make wooden goods for home furniture interrupted during my spare time

My Business

Business Online that I run this provides a variety of baby and household needs such as diapers, milk children, wet wipes and groceries. . __I chose this business considering the consumer demand is high enough and very needed especially diapers and oil. . __The initial capital sells about 500 thousands rupiah, with an average monthly turnover of about 1milion rupiah. . __My omzet is usually played again for stock and the rest is used for savings and to buy my children needs or my family needs. .

Loan Proposal

The money received will be used for capital to buy milk and diapers to suppliers and later that will be sold again to consumers. . With a capital of 450 thousand rupiah, I can get diapers about 5-8ball diapers and baby milk about 5-10 boxes medium size____The profit can be used to pay zidisha debt as well as capital turnover again. . __I expected the profit at least 50-100% of the issued capital. . __I hope the team and the funders of zidisha are pleased to help us develop our small business, thanks zidisha. .

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

I am the first child of 2 siblings, my father has died since I was in high school so since high school I learned to make my own money, starting from work part time ato any work that can add income. . Currently I am married and have 3 children where my first child is 2 years old and the new twins are 6 months old. . __Now I am working in a hotel and have a side business selling online with my wife, the rigors of life and the responsibility of 3 young children make me think of making money in addition to relying on salary so I pioneered an online business with my wife. . In Indonesia today online business is good because many people who prefer to buy goods online rather than offline may be more practical because it can save time and energy. . My Hobby more related to homework, I like to make wooden goods for home furniture interrupted during my spare time

My Business

Business Online that I run this provides a variety of baby and household needs such as diapers, milk children, wet wipes and groceries. . I chose this business considering the consumer demand is high enough and very needed especially diapers and oil. . The initial capital sells about 500 thousands rupiah, with an average monthly turnover of about 1milion rupiah. . My omzet is usually played again for stock and the rest is used for savings and to buy my children needs or my family needs..

Loan Proposal

Uang yang diterima nantinya akan dipakai untuk modal membeli susu dan diapers ke supplier dan nantinya yang akan dijual lagi kepada konsumen.. dengan modal 450rb saya bisa mendapat stok diapers sekitar 5-8ball dan susu bayi sekitar 5-10 dus ukuran sedang

Labanya bisa dipakai untuk membayar hutang zidisha serta perputaran modal lagi..
Keuntungan yang diharapkan minimal 50-100% dari modal yang dikeluarkan..
Semoga tim dan pendana zidisha berkenan membantu kami mengembangkan usaha kecil kami, terimakasih zidisha..





  • Mary    Nov 30, 2017

    Hello Eko, thanks for the timely payments on your previous loans. Good luck with your new project.

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    • Eko    Nov 30, 2017

      Thank you so much mary, i really appreciate it, I wish my new project will be started immediately after i got this fund on my hand.. God Bless You..

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 19, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months





Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Eko a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


