Supplement cost of subsidized mortgage <GT>

Muhammad Reza

Padang, Indonesia

100% repaid



Muhammad Reza

Member since

August 2013

On-time repayments

54 installments  •  31%

About Me

I am an energetic. Adventurous and try new things that build.
The principle of my life are:
"Successful people it be useful for other people, both near and far"
Living in the world is only temporary. Not comparable with later in the next life. So we should always take advantage of every opportunity to always do good.
I was born and live in Bogor on April 7, 1986 until high school graduation. Then had studied accounting department at State Polytechnic Padang, but only up to the 4th semester.
I dropped out of college because of my father's business when it decreased. Additionally brother 2 me too costly to continue their education.
Since then I aspire to be a successful entrepreneur. Inspired by my father too, who previously actually been successful as well.
But with limitations for starting a business, I now only be private employees, in one auto finance company.
However ideals I will never fall ill, while waiting for an opportunity that is I continue to plan my life in the future.
Hopefully I can do more for others, it is always sy prayed that prayer. Amen.
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My Business

I am currently working as a Marketing Associated BFI Finance Branch in Salatiga. In addition, I have second jobs in the field of online payment acceptance services.
From one place which has been running now, I hope to at least a minimum of one additional branch each month.
I chose business services, due to the risk and expense of capital required is relatively easier than trading businesses.
Trading business which should provide housing, Operational cost of from sales, distribution, administration, until the customer service in my opinion is too risky to invest a little effort.
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Loan Proposal

Currently I'm asking subsidized mortgage loan to one of the government programs. Although I still objected subsidized to meet the budget set by the Bank before I decided to take the mortgage.

This is due to a discrepancy between the information at the beginning I propose pengajuak mortgages. That was the information I received these cost of only Rp. 2,500,000, but when in the process I got the information that the mortgage cost is Rp. 6,000,000.

Certainly this is very burdensome me, because the time allotted to satisfy the very short amount. If given leniency of time I do not need to look for another loan. I can save from my salary for those costs.

Due to problems such deadlines are an obstacle to me. Because if funds are not available for the specified time, the bank will cancel the process.
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Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya seorang yang energik. Suka berpetualan dan mencoba hal-hal baru yang membangun.
Prinsip hidup saya adalah :
"Orang yang sukses itu orang yang berguna bagi orang lain, baik yang dekat maupun yang jauh"
Hidup di dunia hanya sementara. Tak sebanding dengan nanti di kehidupan selanjutnya. Jadi kita harus selalu memanfatkan setiap kesempatan yang ada untuk selalu berbuat kebaikan.
Saya lahir dan tinggal di Bogor tanggal 07 April 1986 sampai dengan lulus SMA. Lalu sempat kuliah jurusan Akuntansi di Politeknik Negeri Padang, namun hanya sampai dengan semester 4.
Saya putus kuliah dikarenakan usaha ayah saya waktu itu mengalami penurunan. Selain itu adik2 saya juga membutuhkan biaya untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya.
Sejak itu saya bercita-cita menjadi seorang Wirausahan sukses. Terinspirasi dari ayah saya juga, yang sebelumnya sebenarnya pernah Sukses juga.
Namun dengan keterbatasan untuk memulai usaha, saya sekarang hanya menjadi pegawai swasta, di salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor.
Walau begitu cita-cita saya tdk akan pernah gugur, sambil menunggu kesempatan yang aada saya terus merencanakan kehidupan saya ke depannya.
Semoga saya bisa berbuat lebih banyak untuk sesama, itu doa yg selalu sy panjatkan. Amin.

My Business

Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai Marketing Executive Semarang PT. Surya Sarana Dinamika. Selain itu juga saya mempunyai usaha sampingan dalam bidang jasa penerimaan pembayaran secara online.
Dari satu tempat yang sudah berjalan sekarang,saya berharap bisa setidaknya minimal satu cabang tambahan setiap bulannya.
Saya memilih usaha jasa, dikarenakan resiko dan beban modal yang dibutuhkan relatif lebih mudah dibanding usaha dagang.
Usaha dagang yang dimana harus menyediakan sarana tempat, biaya operasioanal mulai dari penjualan, distribusi, adminstrasi, sampai pelayanan konsumen menurut saya terlalu beresiko bagi usaha yang modalnya sedikit.

Loan Proposal

Saat ini saya sedang mengajukan pinjaman KPR bersubsidi ke salah satu program pemerintah. Walaupun disubsidi saya masih keberatan untuk memenuhi anggaran yang ditetapkan oleh Bank sebelum saya memutuskan mengambil KPR tersebut.

Hal ini karena ketidak sesuaian antara informasi pada awal saya mengajukan pengajuak KPR tersebut. Yang tadinya informasi yang saya terima biaya tersebut hanya Rp. 2.500.000, tapi ketika dalam proses saya mendapat informasi bahwa biaya KPR adalah Rp. 6.000.000.

Tentu saja ini sangat memberatkan saya, karena waktu yang diberikan untuk memenuhi jumlah tersebut sangat singkat. Seandainya diberikan kelonggaran waktu saya tidak perlu untuk mencari pinjaman lain. Saya bisa menabung dari gaji saya untuk biaya tersebut.

Dikarenakan masalah tenggat waktu tersebut yang menjadi kendala oleh saya. Karena apabila dana tidak tersedia untuk waktu yang ditentukan, bank akan membatalkan proses tersebut.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 3, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Atlantis!!!! x), Mauritania

Evan Lamos

Brussels, Belgium



Brookline, MA, United States



Frankfurt Am Main, Germany

Ask Muhammad Reza a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Muhammad Reza    Dec 27, 2016

    I was having trouble in the job / my business. For some time this little income from my business

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  • Muhammad Reza    Oct 20, 2016

    Thanks loan I have received and melted. And I will henceforth use the best possible way. According to what I had before. To refund this loan, I"ll try to paembayarannya accordance scheduled.

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  • Muhammad Reza    Oct 13, 2016

    Thank you for the confidence in me from the funders. May the goodness funders got a reply kindness also .__ Fund will I make good use and will my payment gradually according to the schedule prescribed .____ Thanks

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  • Muhammad Reza    Jan 20, 2016

    I need a new camera purchase to help my performance. With the new camera can hopefully improve performance and maximum results.

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  • Muhammad Reza    Jul 8, 2015

    In entering the feast in the near future many needs that I should meet. Plus I was a little less good health thus lowering my performance and simultaneously reduce my income .__ So my little mind in installment loans in

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  • Muhammad Reza    May 14, 2015

    for the last month there were delays in the payment of salaries of my office

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  • Muhammad Reza    Mar 9, 2015

    Thanks to the lender. With the assistance provided can help filing my mortgage problems.

    Sorry was late in payment, due to the decrease in the value of my income in a few months terkakhir.

    I hope this does not diminish the confidence of all, and holding me back when will apply for a loan through

    May the kindness of arbitrarily members in zidisha bring good that many times to the member itself. Once again I thank you and good luck always

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  • Muhammad Reza    Mar 6, 2015

    I just got a salary payment

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  • Muhammad Reza    Feb 18, 2015

    Currently I"m declining the work, thus affecting the amount of receipts I

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  • humblehumanity    Dec 1, 2014

    Good luck acquiring this loan. I hope it relieves some of the burden.

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