Additional capital


Bantul, Indonesia

100% paid forward




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  53%

About Me

I am a mother with 1 boy. my daily life, I work in a company. but I want to resign. I want to take care of my child and also I want to develop my business. I want to work at home while caring for my child.

My Business

I have a side business that is selling online. I work to make ends meet. Thank God now many know about my online business. I sell, bags, clothes, shoes, make-up. I want to develop my business.

Project Proposal

I have lots of online orders. But I still don't have enough funds to take orders for goods. I will use the money as additional capital for my online sales.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya adalah seorang ibu dengan 1 orang anak laki-laki. keseharian saya, sya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan. tetapi sya ingin mengundurkan diri. sya ingin merawat anak saya dan juga sya ingin mengembangkan bisnis usaha sya. sya ingin bekerja di rumah sekaligus merawat anak saya.

My Business

saya mempunyai usaha sampingan yaitu berjualan online. saya bekerja utk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari. alhamdulillah sekarang banyak yg mengetahui tentang bisnis online saya. saya berjualan, tas, baju, sepatu, make-up. saya ingin mengembangkan bisnis sya.

Loan Proposal

Sya banyak orderan online. Tetapi dana sya masih kurang utk mengambil pesanan barang. Sya akan gunakan uang tersebut sebagai tambahan modal jualan online sya.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 3, 2022



Mirema, Kenya

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Duna

$44 (5 Projects)

Projects funded by Duna's Pay It Forward recipients

$1,983 (110 Projects)

Duna paid it forward to: