
Kilifi Mabirikani, Kenya

56% repaid




Member since

June 2013

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  0%

About Me

My names are Abdul Sonje Mwabonje. I am twenty one years old. I am the first born of four family members. I live in Kilifi county at a place called Mabirikani just like one kilometer from Kilifi town, behind the new KEMRI buildings. I went to school from primary school to secondary school at Ribe boys. My Islamic faith is well cemented and I do hate doing evil. I am also a volunteer at Kenya Red Cross services her in Kilifi and I have seen good things being a volunteer. My parents depend on for their living and I do appreciate them from taking me to secondary level and up to date the last born is now in secondary and struggling hard.

My Business

I have a business of selling leather shoes for ladies in Kilifi town, the business is doing well and fine as I have made a lot of clients from my area. I have been selling these shoes to school teacher’s students and neighbors. Some of the teaches buy my shoes on credit and pay me later or at the end of the month. I have been selling these shoes around the clock as I did not have a permanent place to keep them. I have been able of making like one thousand shillings a day. Given a loan I will be at a position of building a structure in town and sell my commodities or leather shoes at one stop. I will also use this money to add stock to my business and perform better than before.

Loan Proposal

Thank you so much for giving me this golden opportunity to make a loan application. I will use this loan to add stock in my leather shop. I had wanted to add decorations in the leather shoes I do make but I had lack funding for the past three month. So with this zidisha loan I think I will be able to buy bids and add decorations on the leather shoes I do make. Especially with this holiday of December I believe I will make a lot of profits as many customers will be available. I will also use this loan to market my business as I will go to the nearby tourists hotels and make a display and its my hope that I will make a killing.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 30, 2013

Repayment status


Projected term

5 weeks



Burlingame California, United States

Ask Abdul a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


