
Nakuru, Kenya

10% repaid




Member since

May 2013

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  10%

About Me

My names are Beatrice Wathanu,mother and a wife of Mr James Mwangi.I live in Nakuru Rift valley province in kenya.After I finished college I stayed at home and raised a home and my father to give me some money which I used to chicken farming.I started with 30 chicks which takes 6-7 weeks to mature.I started a business because I wanted to become a chicken farmer and stand alone since I had skills about keeping them.The profit that I managed to get after selling them I bought feeding tins for the chickens and the rest kept in my account.

My Business

My business primarily entails keeping of chicks and selling them after they have matured.This chicks takes 6-7 weeks to mature, after they have matured, they lay eggs and sale them to hotel, supermarkets among others.The business is expensive start and their not few people manage to keep that is advantage to me since I manage.The business is profitable since I have been doing it the last ten years The following are risks that encounter,outbreak of disease,Expensive to keep,Delicate to handle those chicks and lack of enough space for those chicks.Monthly cost is 36,000 and profit is 20,000.

Loan Proposal

Thank you very much for loan activation. This money will help me in adding the feeding equipments so that my chicks can be comfortable enough. Also the heat facilities which are more important especially this period of coldness. I believe they will increase the production hence making more profit that will also enable me to pay my loan in time.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 18, 2013

Repayment status


Projected term

10 months



Steiermark, Austria


Falun, Sweden



Tremonton, United States

Ask Beatrice a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • analinjsaturria    Sep 25, 2013

    Dear lenders,

    This is Analin Saturria McGregor, Country Liaison Manager at Zidisha.

    Just a short note to let you know we are in contact with Beatrice through one of her additional contacts. He also happens to be a Volunteer Mentor. Beatrice spent a good part of the summer dealing with illness. We received news after a call last week that she is feeling much better and is back at work. We will keep you posted as we know more. Thank you for your support! Beatrice, we hope you feel completely well now!

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