
Prison, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

May 2013

On-time repayments

34 installments  •  91%

About Me

My name is Nancy Amina Madzeni from Kilifi county Kenya. I am the last born of our family which includes two boys and two girls. I went to Bale primary school ,and I performed very well in my examinations but my father did not have money to take me to the next secondary level. So I opted for a dress making college called Dzitsoni polytechnic in 1999 just around my home area. It took me two years to complete the course and after that I was to get my own sewing machine but unfortunately father was still unable to get me one. So I opted for a house worker as a maid and at the end I managed to buy myself a machine. I went home to ask my father to give the capital but still he was unable, therefore I went back to the job and at last I got the starting capital.

My Business

I started my business in the year two thousand and seven and I thank God I was able to open up a shop but it had no customers ,but as for now I have more than enough. I also started with a single machine but as for now I have several machines. I got customers like the mothers children men and women from different places. I have also started training students and I believe I will make a lot from my business as I have the ways of attracting and retaining my customers. If I get the loan I will add materials to my shop, which help me make dress and any other type of cloth my customers will be willing to get. I will also color the walls of my shop and make it shine to attract more customers.

Loan Proposal

Thanks a lot for approving my loan. I will add material to my kiosk.I will add new cloth materials to my shop and I will use the loan to advertise my business by sewing dresses and hung them their to be seen by pedestrian. I will buy also another type of cloth materials that most of my community likes it.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 15, 2013

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

12 months

Other loans




Woodbury, United States



Colorado Springs, United States


Medford, United States

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