Member since
August 2013
On-time repayments
39 installments • 3%
I am a 22 year old male Kenyan Citizen. I live in Thika, Ofafa Estate just opposite Presbyterian Church of East Africa Thika plot number 10, house number 7.
I am a hawker whereby I sell utensils and other house hold goods like basins, spoons, pans.
I am a form four leaver and I cleared high school in 2010. I come from a humble background.
I choose to do business after my mother was not in a position to raise funds to cater for my college fees. I had to make a living for myself and try to save to educate myself either in 2014 or later in the same year.
I normally get my merchandise from Gikomba market and Nairobi's river road.
My business entirely relies on my effort. I walk from door to door within homes and towns. I travel a lot either by foot or public vehicles known here as "matatus".
I sell house hold goods which include plastic basins, cooking pans, spoons, forks, knives, plates among others. Basically anything needed in a house, I am the right person to inquire from.
There is demand for my goods as I normally have all the customers require. Should I meet a customer that requires something that I don't have, he or she only needs to wait a few minutes so that I rush for it. Mostly I operate within Thika town and hopefully to cover a larger part of the country not as a hawker but with my stores.
The business is profitable as I get my goods from cheap sources and they are quality hence a stable market.
When I am not in my business, I work night shifts at a processing plant in Thika hence I am able to balance my income.
Thanks a lot for granting me a second opportunity to post my loan propsal. I will use the loan in the following criteria:
Ksh. 15,000 to add stock in my business premises now that I managed to rent a shop. The stock will include basins, spoons, plastic tins, drums. I deal with household goods.
Ksh. 5,000 I will channell to cater for next year's licence from Thika town council.
The remaning Ksh. 5,000 I will use it to cater for buying chicken meals as apart from my business, I have passion for farming especially chicken farming and it has proved to be a lucrative business too, which doesn't require much time. I manage both businesses with ease
Please accept my loan proposal.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Dec 9, 2013
Repayment status
Projected term
35 months
Other loans
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