
Njoro, Kenya

8% repaid




Member since

April 2013

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  6%

About Me

am a lady of 25years old i was born the first born in my family. my family consist of tree girls and one brother, and a brother who is an orphan. my family is not very poor neither very rich but we are in moderate. i did my o-level examination sometime back and i did not went on with schooling but i join accounting course and i completed and was emmployed by an ngo. although their salary is small . Due to decrease in the salary and currently economy of the country i deciede to oppen a bussiness wher i sell fruits, fruits juice and porriage made from sorgum and maize flour. these bussiness has help me work out my life thus not dependent to my parents because they has other children to cater for.

My Business

i started these business in year 2011 with small fruits and only one blender which i was given by my mum,. the bussiness went on and it is nice and doing well. i rented a small kiosk somewhere near the stage where a lot of people passed by every day.customer prefer my bussiness because the place is very clean, beautiful, also i have a worker who is well organized and she talk to customers very well and they like the place .the demand for these juice is very high since some people carry it home and they are no other person doing the same bussiness also there is alot of people moving from one place to another also those waiting to get into the matatus. The bussines is profitable because it earns money to buy fruits,pay the worker pay the rent at the end of month pay electricity and am left with something at the end of the day.there are risks in these bussiness like when the weather is cold people don't like cold juice and if at the end of the day the juices does notget finiished it become sour thus one can not sell it.

Loan Proposal

thankyou zidisha team for accepting me among many people in your organization. if given these amount i will buy a good blender which can work efficiently and quickly .in order to serve my client quickly. i would also add all type of fruits in my kiosk in order to make different type of juice and these will add more customer to my business.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 19, 2013

Repayment status


Projected term

18 months




berlin, Germany


leicester, United Kingdom


British Columbia, Canada, Canada


Falun, Sweden

Ask Cecilia a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • jjonas    Oct 30, 2014

    Dear Cecilia ,
    Please dont leave us in vain!
    How are you?
    What more happend?

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  • analinjsaturria    Apr 13, 2014

    Dear lenders,
    I'm Analin Saturria McGregor and I'm a Country Liaison Manager with Zidisha.
    During the past year we heard repeatedly that Cecilia's business was not going so great. She was also unable to dedicate as much time to it due to her pregnancy and later delivery. Last time we heard from Cecilia directly was in early February - she sent us a message saying she was still having difficulties with her business but expected to resume payments shortly. We did not receive her payment and have not heard directly from her ever since.
    Hana Karanja, one of her additional contacts, contacted us during the weekend to explain that Cecilia's arrears were due to difficulties she had after having her baby. We've ashed her to be more specific so we can understand the extent of Cecilia's financial hardship better. She seems to be struggling to provide for her family. We hope to hear from her and her contacts soon in order to continue updating you.
    Thank you very much for your patience and support!

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    • KM    Apr 21, 2014

      While I can not speak for other lenders, I would be more then willing to forgive my portion of this loan.

      I do hope that Cecilia will be able to recover from this difficult time.

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  • KM    Feb 11, 2014

    Hello Cecilia - I hope that you and your family are all well. How are things now with your enterprise?

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  • Cecilia    Nov 9, 2013

    hello kilmeny, am fine i went for maternity leave and i delivered well and am stil on leave but i will go back soonest possible may be on january. God blessed me with a baby boy called loughran kigen i got maried . the bussiness i left it with a new atendant whom always complain there is no money. but since my sister suzy is clossing school on 16th november i want her to take over so that i can see a change . and i now things will be alright i will pay the money as from december. how is your new house my sister? my mum is alright although her bussiness collapses she made i mistake of buying stones and sand which costed her alot of money but she will recover by january coz shes is almost harvesting her maize bye!

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    • KM    Nov 9, 2013

      Hello Cecilia! Wow! Congratulations on your marriage and your baby! This is wonderful news.

      Of course your time now should be with your son and husband. It is too bad that your new attendant is not really able to do their job, but with Suzy's help hopefully the enterprise will return to profitability soon.
      I'm also sorry to learn that your mother has been having trouble with her buisness. But I'm sure she will bounce back.

      Actually, after a lot of effort to move, I am still in my old house! It has been quite frustrating, but these things happen.

      Again, congratulations! This news about your baby has brightened my day. I will pray that he stays healthy and grows up good and strong!

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  • Cecilia    Nov 9, 2013

    am sorry for not keeping my promosing to pay you back your money but i will do it soonest possible.am at maternate leave and since God made me delivery safely i will be back in bussiness and surely i will pay your money thanks. about my bussiness i left it with a attendant whom was not well known to the bussiness since the older one had went to school. so the new attendat has been always complaiing there is no work. but when i go back i will do every thing in a decent manner and things will be alright so lenders please bear with me

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  • KM    Nov 3, 2013

    Hello Cecilia - how are things with you? I hope that the electricity problem has resolved itself and you have been able to return to buisness as usual with your kiosk. Please let us know how everything is going. Thank-you.

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  • Cecilia    Aug 13, 2013

    am sorry for not paying these loan in time, first the kioski i rented the electricity was cut off and thus my bussiness stand still the electricity was later returned and these slow the bussines is a bit down but if given time will return to normal thus i will be able to pay the money so please bear with me

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    • KM    Aug 25, 2013

      Hello Cecilia - Sorry to learn that you have been having some trouble with your kiosk. Of course it is impossible to blend fruit juices with an electric blender is you have no electricity! Perhaps in the future you will be able to buy a solar panel to help when the electricity goes out.

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  • KM    Jun 19, 2013

    Hello Cecilia -

    I am sorry that it has been such a long time since I said hello to you! Nothing is wrong here only there has been some trouble with my family's plans to move house and things are in a bit of a state of confusion. Ah well, I have faith everything will work out the way it is meant to!

    Anyway, I hope that you are having success with your kiosk - is it still raining a lot?

    I like mangoes a lot too! Unfortunately it's really hard to get good mangoes here because they have to come from a long way away, mostly from Mexico. So only a few times a year I can have fresh mango, and mango juice here is a bit expensive.

    Soon - in about three weeks - the earliest local crops of the year will start to arrive at the local market here - I am really looking forward to the fresh fresh vegtables and herbs. I harvested the small (really small!) amount of rhubarb plant that grown near my house today, and might use it in muffins for breakfast. I actually don't like rhubarb very much, but it grows well by my house, so I should use it even if it tastes so strong to me!

    Hope you and your family is staying well!

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  • Cecilia    Apr 22, 2013

    Hello kilmeny-am happy and thankful to all lenders for their participation in funding me. for now that the rain is going on am introducing tea sale in my kiosk and it is doing well, my favorite juice is mango. here in kenya we do grow some apples but they come out very small in size not as big as those of cold areas. thankyou hope we shall meet one day.i have already buy a blender which my heart has desired for my work efficient thankyou you are doing good job to need people.

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  • KM    Apr 18, 2013

    Hello Cecilia - I'm happy to be the first person to lend to you! Have you thought of adding tea sales to your kiosk for the cold days? What is your favorite kind of juice? My favourite juice is made from apples, however, I think it may be too warm in Kenya to grow apples easily.

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