
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

100% repaid




Member since

February 2013

On-time repayments

22 installments  •  100%

About Me

I am Mrs. Tiendrebéogo Zenabo, born Yaméogo. I am married and mother of two children. I'm 38 and a half years old. I sell African "pagnes" (wrap dresses) and bags. I am of Burkinabé nationality and was born in Koudougou (the City of the Red Knights) in a polygamous family of 32 children in the province of Boulkiemdé in central western Burkina Faso. My village is located in the third largest city in Burkina Faso. I have 6 sisters and 3 brothers of the same mother; I am the fifth child. I attended school until the end of ninth grade. In Koudougou, the main dish I prefer is "tôt" prepared with flour millet, sorghum, maize and eaten with okra sauce, sauce "d'oseilles" or vegetables sauce. My goal in life is to succeed in everything I do and especially in my business so that I can be independent.

My Business

The market of African wrap dresses and bags is appreciated by women of my country and especially in the city where I live because women are more active in their professional activities. To increase my income and meet my needs and those of my family, a microfinance loan from Zidisha will allow me to expand my business and fulfill orders from my customers. The number of customers is growing day by day because of the quality of my products. The value of the products in my store is 800,000 CFA francs and monthly operating expenses are around 75,000 (rent, electricity, tax charges, maintenance of the shop, etc.). I can cover the costs of the store with the profits, but I would do better if I had a larger quantity of goods.

Loan Proposal

This loan will be used to increase my business. I have a lot of orders of africans clothes but don't have enough financial means to respect it. The loan will be used to satisfy my customers both in quantity and quality because I know the customer needs. I have already many customers on which I can get more profit if I satisfy them. A loan from Zidisha will be realy welcomed and will help me a lot.

Show original Français  

About Me

Je m’appelle Mme Tiendrebéogo Zenabo née Yaméogo, je suis mariée mère de deux (02) enfants. J’ai 38 et demi. Je suis vendeuse de pagnes africains et de sacs et je suis de nationalité Burkinabé. Je suis née à Koudougou (Cité des cavaliers rouges) d’une famille polygame de 32 enfants dans la province du Boulkiemdé dans le centre ouest du Burkina. Mon village est dans la troisième ville du Burkina. J’ai 6 sœurs et 3 frères de même mère dont je suis le cinquième (5ème) enfant. J’un niveau de la classe de 3ème. Chez nous à Koudougou, le plat principal que j’adore est le tôt préparé à base de la farine de petit mil, sorgho, de maïs et on le mange avec la sauce de gombo, oseille ou sauce feuille. Mon objectif est de réussir dans tout ce que j’entreprends et plus particulièrement dans mon commerce pour être indépendante.

My Business

Le marché des pagnes africains et de sacs est apprécié par les femmes de mon pays et plus particulièrement dans la ville où je vis parce que les femmes sont plus actives dans leurs activités professionnelles. Pour augmenter mon revenu et satisfaire mes besoins et ceux de ma famille, l’octroi d’un prêt auprès de Zidisha micro finance me permettre d’agrandir mon commerce et de satisfaire les commandes de ma clientèle qui s’agrandit de jour en jour à cause de la qualité de mes produits. La valeur des produits dans ma boutique s’élève à 800 000 FCFA et les charges mensuelles de fonctionnement s’élèvent à 75 000 fcfa (Loyer, électricité, frais d’impôts, entretien de la boutique, etc.). J’arrive à couvrir les charges de la boutique avec les bénéfices mai je peux faire mieux si j’ai une plus grande quantité de marchandises.

Loan Proposal

This loan will be used to increase my business. I have a lot of orders of africans clothes but don't have enough financial means to respect it. The loan will be used to satisfy my customers both in quantity and quality because I know the customer needs. I have already many customers on which I can get more profit if I satisfy them. A loan from Zidisha will be realy welcomed and will help me a lot.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 13, 2013

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

12 months

Other loans



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