To add stock to my electrical supply shop


I Live In Nakuru County,at Barnabas ;, Kenya

75% repaid




Member since

April 2014

On-time repayments

59 installments  •  12%

About Me

I am Harrison Kanganya, I live in Nakuru, at Barnabas, I am married and blessed with one child,I have a shop that sells electronics equipments,I was born in Kakamega county, my parents lives in Kakamega shinyalu, all my parents still lives at the same tomw of kakamega shinyalu village.
I schooled at same town of kakamega , my secondary and primary Education in the same town.later I shifted to Nakuru where I now live and work, I own a shop that is selling electronic equipments and my shop is located at BARNABAS STAGE,JUST behind bomas hotel, in Nakuru county.

My Business

My business is located at Barnabas behind bomas hotel in Nakuru county, I live in the same place at Barnabas, from where my shop is located is the same place where I live, I live just behind on where my business is located,just behind door and I work from the from door.
I started my business 10yrs ago now and I am blessed to see how my business grows, I have been so grateful to see how my business has grown,but now the challeges is that I have more customers and high demand from my customers,this is now the big challenge I am facing and is the reson why I decided to join zidisha to get more help.
My business makes a profit of ksh 800 daily which means per week I make ksh5600 weekly and month is about ksh22400 of which I see it will be a nice start to boost my business from zidisha to make it more higher to enable me serve my clients without fare of lacking anything.

Loan Proposal

it has been so challenging at my place be course now days there are a lot of people building in my area so a lot of staff and materals for electrical is needed so if i get this loan ill buy the most needed as below;;;;;;;;wires = 40 dollars switches =50 dollars and bulbs 60 dollar this is just but some of what is in demand for now as i move on ill add more stock ,please lenders help me reach my dream shop and get two boys from a nearby home of the needy to help in my shop,.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 10, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

14 months



Atlantis!!!! x), Mauritania



Vence, France


Sarasota, Fl, United States



Milbrae, United States

Matching Fund

Sterling, United States


Waddinxveen, Netherlands

Ask Harrison a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


