Member since
June 2021
On-time repayments
33 installments • 79%
My name is Alex kumah popularly know as (panyin) because I am twins so I am the elder and we are seven siblings I am the elder son of my parents and I am a texi driver.
I'm a taxi driver which I round from Aggrey memorial zion school station to any corner of cape coast and business is not bad at all.
If this opportunity cames though I will use it to purchase my car timing and it helped me to work all over the month because it gives me problem everyday in out.
Though the protocol we have in our country and community I am working with out fears so I hope I will get an amount to pay off.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jun 22, 2021
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
1 week
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CMB Jul 14, 2021
Alex Jul 17, 2021
CMB Jul 14, 2021