To fund stationeries and computer memory replacement


Nyeri, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

359 installments  •  81%

About Me

My name is Patrick , Married with a daughter and a son . Am a Kenyan in central Kenya. I attended a village o level school . I went to Professional school of computers and well did a course in information technology as well Business administration. Being well versed from school i won tenders of computer training in various health organizations. I started foundation of having my own computer advisory center come cyber. The business have sustained me and my family. " I hate poverty," i always dream big and my success is laid in business as a young growing brand . Currently , my biggest challenge is new technology computer accessories which will pursue my dream.

My Business

My Business is computer advisory center. I provide services such as cyber services,training , typesetting and photocopying ,lamination, projects , Photography etc. My services are useful to the community since the community get training of computers. I also provide them with computer related services. I choose this kind of the business since it was my dream and passion . I enrolled to school of computers and this was my course and the society needs self employment creation and more to give back to the community. My estimate typical costs estimate 200$ and the revenue is 900$. However i would be glad if my business will become self servicing.

Project Proposal

hello lenders once i get the funds i will upgrade my CORE DUO computer with a compatible operating system from the support of the addition memory i will buy to a my new photocopier machine which supports win 13 operating system costing 20$ and the rest buy papers for printing purposes to cater for Nov and Dec holiday. i will appreciate if once approved for funding . The support will improve my business by far





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 1, 2022



Rwathia, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya

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