Children's School Fees


Berekum, Ghana

50% repaid




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

30 installments  •  37%

About Me

I am Kyeremaa Yaa, a 30 year old Ghana from Berekum in the Brong/Ahafo region of Ghana. I had my basic education at the Berekum St. Monica's Primary and Junior High School. After my Junior High School, I dropped out of School due to financial difficulties.I started selling water by the road side to get something to eat for the day. Gradually, I extended the sales of water to water and oranges and then egg sales. The people in my community love to share with one another and are very kind and caring. The little ones int the community would always like to be nurses and teachers with a few hoping to become doctors in future. During my leisure time, I watch local drama, local movies and telenovela.

My Business

I am a mother of three. My children are the kids in the picture. I sell oranges, water, toothpaste, toothbrushes and soaps during the day and sell fried eggs in the night. My service to the people is very important because it gives them easy access to toothpaste, brushes and soaps when they are finished. Oranges have also been found to be very good source of antioxidants due to the presence of Vitamin C hence needed for healthy growth. I chose this business to help me generate income to take care of my three children. I spend just a little over $20 on the products every week. When I get the loan, I will use the money to expand my small business and save some to use for the payment of my children's school fees.

Loan Proposal

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to post a loan proposal. When I am given the loan, I will first of all assist with the payment my first two children's school fees, buy new school uniforms, buy pencils,books, tables and chairs and bags for them. These will cost about $50. My family and I would be very grateful to this generous community if you help us. I will invest the remaining in my small business so as to expand my stock. This will help me save more to cater for my children's education in the future when they further to higher level. Sometimes I don't even give them money when they are going to school. I just heat the left over food for them. When sales are better, I give them very little money as feeding fee so you can imagine when there is poor sales. Please they really need your help. Providing them with the loan can help me get them better health and quality education that would help them achieve their aims in the future. Expanding my business by buying more oranges and eggs and the other items would help me save more money for the future. I expect my profit to increase by about 50% if I am given the money I am requesting. Thank you.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 7, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

6 months



Frankfurt Am Main, Germany

Ask Kyeremaa a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Daniel    Mar 2, 2016

    Hmm. I personally met Yaa Serwaa and asked why she still hasn't made payment. Well, she says business has slowed down. She will make payment when things are going on well.

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  • Daniel    Jan 26, 2016

    Kyeremaa says she will make payment this week. She is sorry for not making some payments on time. She said dpshe might pay on either Wednesday or Thursday. Thank you.

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  • Kyeremaa    Jan 11, 2016

    Please I made payment of GHS 40 on the 30/12/2015 but it has not reflected. Please credit my account for me. Thank you.

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  • Daniel    Dec 18, 2015

    Good day,
    Please Yaa says she made payment on Tuesday.
    Thank you.

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  • Daniel    Nov 14, 2015

    Please Kyeremaa Yaa says she has been making payment every week but the payments have not reflected on her page.

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  • Daniel    Oct 26, 2015

    According to Kyeremaa, she has made her payment last week Thursday, 15th/10/2015 but her account has not been credited.
    In fact she has done several payments that have not reflected. She hope it reflects very soon.
    I will send an email to [email protected]. Thank you.

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  • Kyeremaa    Oct 14, 2015

    Please I want to update my lenders. After I received the money I used part to buy more oranges and also paid my children's fees when they reopened school. My family thanks you a lot.

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  • Kyeremaa    Sep 8, 2015

    Hi! I have received the money. I thank you very much for helping my children. I will use it to pay their school fees and use the rest to expand my small business. Thank you.

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  • Kyeremaa    Sep 5, 2015

    Thank you very much, Mr. Matthias for helping my children. They are grateful.

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