Toiletries and beverages for my grocery store


Aburi, Ghana

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $50 goal


days left




Member since

June 2015

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  0%

About Me

I grew up in the southern part of Ghana. Keta to be precise. I am the first born of a family of seven. My parents got divorced when I was just mother had no choice but to give me out to families that needed me to do one chore or the other. I continued this until i met this wonderful family in Accra who were willing to support my education. They supported me through secondary school but just when i was about entering the university, the man paying my fees got knocked down by stroke and that was the end of my education. I had to put myself together and started a small provision business as we call it here in Ghana. I had little support from friends and loved ones who saw a future for what i started. I fought against all odds and today i am the proud owner of a growing fast moving consumer goods business. I however need support to further grow the business hence my decision to turn to zidisha. The society in which i live is one that provides an enabling ground for friendship to thrive and I think this is unique. As a child, i used to enjoy playing ampe which is a game for girls. It involves jumping, clapping and counting your steps.

My Business

I deal in fast moving consumer goods or provisions as we call it in Ghana. Toiletries, canned foods and drinks, cosmetics etc. As the name suggests, it is a business that is a fast moving one in the sense that the items are everyday things that we all use hence we use them on a daily basis. A chunk of my cost in running the business comes from transportation from my suppliers to my business center and rent. Revenue comes from raising small loans from bank but being a growing business, i decided against it when i finished paying the last one due to the rather high interest rates hence my decision to join zidisha. I have made it a policy to reinvest at least 90% of my profits into my business.

Loan Proposal

I plan to use the loan if granted to buy toiletries, foods and beverages for my shop which i believe will shoot up my profit margin to upto 30% and this i believe will serve as a regular source to finance the loan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 3, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks



Sry, Canada



United States

Matt B

Stratford Upon Avon, United Kingdom

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