A multipurpose store


Pematangsiantar, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

90 installments  •  82%

About Me

I am Haryati Sihite a new housewife underwent a 1-year marriage. My husband is an artist to help my household finances open a home business I opened a department store business. My father had died in 2003 to help my family finance work in a restaurant as a waitress, I became the backbone of my family to pay for my siblings school going to elementary school in order to continue the school I begged my dear Zidisha to fund my loan as soon as possible. I want my sister to be an ophthalmologist to be able to boast of my very poor family, in order to buy a house now we just rent a small house.

My Business

My business is a department store that sells all the necessities like sofas, cabinets, laptops, beauty soaps, flower pots, tv racks, desks, sofa cushions, refrigerators, fans. I need so much capital to make my business grow fast. Thanks to the lenders who have funded my previous loan, from my profit per month I get 600 USD

Loan Proposal

I just have a new residence but do not have my furniture begged Zidisha to grant my loan, I beg you to have a sofa, carpet, bed, gas stove, refrigerator, thermos, curtains and I want to change the color of the wall where I live now the wall paint is fading.

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About Me

Saya adalah Haryati Sihite seorang ibu rumah tangga baru menjalani pernikahan 1 tahun. Suami saya adalah seorang seniman untuk membantu keuangan rumah tangga saya membuka usaha dirumah saya membuka usaha toko serba ada. Ayah saya sudah meninggal pada tahun 2003 untuk membantu keuangan keluarga saya bekerja di restoran sebagai pelayan, Saya menjadi tulang punggung keluarga untuk membiayai sekolah adik-adik saya adik saya sebentar lagi akan memasuki sekolah menengah dasar agar melanjutkan sekolah tersebut saya memohon kepada Zidisha tersayang agar mendanai pinjaman saya secepatnya. Saya ingin sekali adik saya menjadi dokter mata agar bisa membanggakan keluarga saya yang sangat miskin, agar bisa membeli rumah sekarang kami hanya menyewa sebuah rumah kecil.

My Business

Usaha saya adalah toko serba ada yang menjual seluruh kebutuhan seperti sofa,lemari,laptop,sabun kecantikan,pot bunga,rak tv,meja,bantal sofa,kulkas,kipas angin. Saya membutuhkan sangat banyak modal agar usaha saya cepat berkembang. Terimakasih kepada lenders yang sudah mendanai pinjaman saya sebelumnya, dari keuntungan saya perbulan saya mendapatkan 600 USD

Loan Proposal

Saya baru mempunyai tempat tinggal baru tapi tidak memiliki perabotan saya memohon kepada Zidisha agar mengabulkan pinjaman saya, saya mohon saya ingin mempunyai sofa,karpet,tempat tidur,kompor gas,kulkas,termos,gorden dan saya ingin merubah warna tembok tempat tinggal saya sekarang karena cat temboknya sudah memudar.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 23, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Tilman Schweitzer

Mainz, Germany

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Haryati a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Haryati    May 20, 2024

    I am experiencing a decline in my business sales, thank you to Zidisha donors for making this possible

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  • Haryati    May 11, 2024

    I experienced a loss in my business, so I changed the installment amount to a smaller one

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  • Haryati    Apr 18, 2024

    I would like to say thank you to Peter, Awello, Shadrack, Evans, Anonymous for wanting to help with my funding, I will use these funds as well as possible. send regards for success

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  • Haryati    Apr 5, 2024

    I am a 31 year old woman, I am a small entrepreneur who dreams big. I ask Zidisha for help to quickly fund my project

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  • Haryati    Feb 3, 2024

    Thank you to Langat Robert Kipngeno, Haryati Shitite, Charity Musyoki. already funded my loan. I will use these funds for business capital and to buy a motorbike

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  • Haryati    Feb 3, 2024

    Thank you to my Zidisha funders, who have helped fund my business. I will use the funds provided as best as possible.

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  • Haryati    Jan 24, 2024

    thanks to rmacaw australia, sibly basel, anonymous united states, frank maronga kenya, samuel kenya. I thank you very much for funding my loan project

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  • Haryati    Jan 24, 2024

    I would like to thank dear Zidisha, who has helped my business by lending funds. Soon I will have a baby. I hope that the funds given by Zidisha can help deliver my baby in a sick hospital

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  • Haryati    Dec 24, 2023

    thanks to Michael Osburg, thanks to framework eyewear, thanks to Andreas, thanks to mylexplux, thanks to Edwin Chui, thanks to Sibyl, thanks to Mimi Rothschild

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  • Haryati    Dec 24, 2023

    Thank you Zidisha for helping my business. If this loan is disbursed I will buy a motorbike for my business needs

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  • Haryati    Nov 1, 2023

    First I say to the members who fund my project. I will use the money I get as capital for my beauty business.

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  • Maureen    Nov 1, 2023

    Hai Haryati, saya berharap yang terbaik dalam bisnis Anda

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  • Haryati    Oct 30, 2023

    Thank you to my supporters, thanks to the loans you have made my life easier

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  • Haryati    May 15, 2018

    thanks to my dear lenders who have funded my loan 100%

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  • Haryati    Apr 21, 2018

    Today I am coming to buy a coin product I get 100 USD profit

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  • Haryati    Apr 12, 2018

    Today I"m a customer who buys coffe soap, I get a profit of USD 100

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  • Haryati    Apr 6, 2018

    Thanks to your beloved lenders who have funded my loan, I will use this fund for my venture capital to be more successful and blessed.

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  • Haryati    Apr 5, 2018

    Thank you to Minah Park, Republic of Korea has funded my loan.

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  • Haryati    Apr 5, 2018

    To the dearest lenders as soon as my account review [email protected] to be immediately funded 100%

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