Transport to facilitate client meetings


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  60%

About Me

I was born and brought up in Nakuru, a city found in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. I grew up climbing trees, ringing the neighbors' doorbells together with my friends then running away, and was a staunch member of a kids' group in church that used to sing in Sunday services. This is where I started practicing photography and events since we had lots of fun days which we organized ourselves.

I joined college and didn't really have enough tuition fee for the 4 years but through support from family and friends, and the new business I had just started, I was finally able to complete my degree in Theatre and Film.

I started my business while still in school after I saw an opportunity in the field of events organizing and film making in school and back in my home town. This really helped structure most of my activities.

Kenya is a beautiful country with lots of scenic sites and wonderful people and many many stories that are yet to be captured in a film, which I fully intend to do!

My daughter is three years old so I'm not sure she knows what she wants to be when she grows up, though she has been mentioning ballet and surfing a lot recently!

I love taking long road trips, visiting unique sites with my family, and I also enjoy watching my little girl take on life with a very focused approach, though she might just be trying to remove her shoes!

My Business

My business deals with film production and events organizing. I get contracted to organize events like weddings, parties, corporate and government functions etc. I organize and contract different service providers in accordance with the client's taste, needs and budget. I also provide some of those services like hosting a function, providing sound equipment etc. Income is generated from these services and consultancy too.

In the film department, we produce documentaries, short and feature films. Our main clients are schools. Film is growing to be a big industry in Kenya and schools are interested in exposing their students to film so they contract us to conduct film clinics and then shoot low budget films with them for student exposure. We generate income from the remuneration the school offers, while we also sell some of this films which brings in extra income.

Loan Proposal

I am currently working on a proposal with the County Government in my home town Nakuru to organize a Youth Street Festival which will involve exhibiting youth products and merchandise to the public in a bid to boost their businesses.

My business will be the overall event organizer while the film department will also provide audio visual coverage for the event, meaning we'll receive business in two ways. We will also be making an impact in the society as we will be bringing youth entrepreneurs together to showcase their works to the public, thereby creating business for them.

I have to travel to Nakuru weekly for the planning meetings, which costs about $15 weekly. The event is in one month and so this loan will help facilitate my transport for the meetings.

Once the event is done, my company will have made about $1000 in profit after we deduct all the expenses, including this loan.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 16, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months


Jake Badger

Roskilde, Denmark

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