Nairobi, Kenya
$40 to go
0% funded of $40 goal
days left
Member since
April 2014
On-time repayments
34 installments • 38%
I am a 24 year old Kenyan energetic and ambitious am saved and love Jesus as my personal savoir,I have a family of eight brothers without a sister with both parent, and i am the last born.i live in Fedha estate. I worked with RIDA Training Institute as a computer instructor my contract ended in February 2014. am now working with RGC computer as a part time computer instructor. i went to mathare 4a primary school and later went to MUhuri MUchiri High school finished in 2010 and joined RGC computer college where i did all packages,designs and A+.I partnered with a friend and started a barber shop with the aim of being independent. Iam self employed now.
I currently do meat supply business. Supplying raw meat to restaurants.
I would like to get a transport for my fridge and fill my gas for cooking
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Amount requested
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