Tuition for college diploma in wildlife management


Busia, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

December 2014

On-time repayments

91 installments  •  48%

About Me

I am the second last born son in a family of six (five girls and one boy), and being the only male child in this family has its own fair share of challenges more so in regard to expectations. I completed my high school studies some seven years back and was unable to proceed to college as I would have loved to, as my father (a retired agricultural extension officer) . I then moved to Nairobi in search of employment with the sole aim of saving enough to start my college diploma with these savings I Was sure to get my fathers financial support that would enable me complete my college diploma.

My Business

six months after moving from Busia to Nairobi I was able to get employed at an insurance firm for eight months then at the end of the contract at the insurance firm I got employed at the airport and with the savings from these two jobs I was able to save enough money to get admission in the Kenya schools of wildlife studies where I study wildlife management (diploma) and sure enough I have been able to get my father to support me financially in this,i also used to work at a restaurant over the weekend to further support myself.My Zidisha first and second loan also helped me to clear the fees and financial support during my internship at the National Museum of Kenya.

Loan Proposal

In three weeks time I will be going back to college having successfully completed my industrial attachment at the Kenya national museum and this means I have to pay for tuition early if my current request for a loan goes through I intend to use the money in paying for my tuition fee, thank you.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 6, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

11 months




Arlington, VA, United States


Paul Graham

United States

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