Tuition for my university education


Senase, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  94%

About Me

hello zidisha and its lenders , l am called Kyeraa Margaret. l am a student of my second offering a home economics program, l live with my mother and other two siblings , l am the elderly child of my parents, l obtained my both basic and second cycle education at Senase , l would like to become prominent person in my community so that l could offer help to the less privilege person in my community .

My Business

please lenders l wish to let you know something about my business , the business my mother does is second clothing , and it is what my mother does to take care of us . l do help my mother during vocation and she has a lot of customer who buy from her the second hand cloths . it is a very lucrative and profitable venture. please lenders l am appealing to for a loan to add to my savings to pay my hostel fees thank you for reading

Loan Proposal

l am so thankful onto you all my menders for how far you have brought may the good lord bless you and replace you with all that you have spent on me , please lenders with loan will support to pay my fees at the university thank you for reading.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 18, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

25 months



Sandy, Utah, United States

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