Tuition for university degree


Accra, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

November 2016

On-time repayments

131 installments  •  93%

About Me

I am Boapeah Osei, a very ambitious young man aged 26. I have completed my Bachelor's degree programme from the University of Ghana and I must praise Zidisha for being instrumental in making that a reality. I am now almost done with my national service and I believe Zidisha loans will be a great life partner as I venture into the economic world.

My Business

I live at Sefwi Wiaso where there is a good boom of rice production business and I wish to take the opportunity to make a good investment. Acquiring a land will cost close to GHS3000 and the preparation of the land by help of hired labour will cost in the region of GHS700. Rice seedlings and other essential rice farm equipments such as covering nets costs from GHS600 upwards according to the size of the farm. I would be very glad if Zidisha can supplement my small saving that I have done so that I can have this marvelous business started. Thank you

Loan Proposal

I attend the University of Ghana where I pay about $1000 in tuition and approximately $400 for accommodation making a total of $1400 in fees. Every semester comes with a number of books to buy and can amount to $200 per semester, leaving my total university debit at about $1650 per year.
Then again there is personal upkeep. Things are quite expensive in the university. You will need to pay about $5 for a meal( 3 times a day). A shirt costs about $7 and a pair of trousers is in the region of $15 while a pair of shoes or sneakers jumps thing up to an eye watering $90. Transportation too can cost up to $15 a month. So in all I need about $150 a month to survive, that's about $1050 per academic year. My academic life therefore requires approximately $2700 a year.
To talk about my funding, my father works an average job and receives an average salary, while supporting a number of family members in addition to myself and my siblings. My piece of the pie thereby, is about $1500, which is just over half my yearly revenue requirement. So I am left to strife for the rest on my own by working part time jobs and sometimes borrowing from my richer friends.
I am hereby applying for this loan to supplement what my father provides and to relieve me of some of the stressful part time jobs.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 10, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Paul Graham

United States

Elise E

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Osei a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


