Sukabumi, Indonesia
100% repaid
Member since
December 2015
On-time repayments
187 installments • 36%
I was born in the district of Sukabumi right on 30 november 1973, I was the first child of six children, I graduated sma 1992 at the high school Yasti Cisaat Sukabumi, West Java, then continued education to a Polyteknik Computer in Depok Namely BSI computer science Accounting , then graduated in 1993 and worked in a factory in Tangerang 1994 till 1995, I worked only a year then go out and work in a cooperative Pegwai Telkom Telkom in Sukabumi during Approximately 12 years from 1998 to 2010
My income obtained apart from Warne, amounting to ten computers and one printer also from various other businesses such as from service of computers, laptops, Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB), Technician Western Union (WU.), Also from fee marketing speedy, if from cafe average monthly income of five million rupiah, from stalls around two million per month, apart from that I juag get a fee from PPOB I marketed in PT Telkom Kandatel Sukabumi, West Java, about five hundred thousand per month
I would buy _kursi chairs, tables -meja cafe, head phones, mouse pad, the processor fan, power supply, kabe the data, hard drive, and others because everything is a lot that has been damaged with age, besides the money I would use to buy cleaning tools such as broom fibers, mops, as well as room deodorizers, also to buy ashtrays and trash cans cafe, electrical cables, also keyboar d-computer keyboard ..
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
Saya lahir di Kabupaten sukabumi tepat pada tanggal 30 bulan november tahun 1973 , saya anak pertama dari enam bersaudara, saya lulus sma tahun 1992 di sekolah SMA Yasti Cisaat Sukabumi Jawa Barat,kemudian melanjutkan Pendidikan ke sebuah Polyteknik Komputer di kawasan Depok Yaitu BSI jurusan komputer Akuntansi,kemudian lulus tahun 1993 dan bekerja di sebuah Pabrik di Kota Tangerang Tahun 1994 samapi Tahun 1995, saya bekerja cuma setahun Kemudian keluar dan bekerja di koperasi Pegwai Telkom di Telkom Sukabumi selama Kurang lebih 12 tahun dari tahun 1998 sampai 2010
Penghasilan saya didapat selain dari warne yang berjumlah sepuluh unit komputer dan satu printer juga dari berbagai usaha lainnya seperti dari service komputer,laptop,Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB) , Teknisi western Union (WU.), juga dari fee marketing speedy, kalau dari warnet penghasilan rata-rata perbulan lima juta rupiah ,dari warung sekitar dua jutaan perbulan, selain itu saya juag mendapatkan fee dari PPOB yang saya pasarkan di PT Telkom Kandatel Sukabumi Jawa Barat,sekitar lima ratus ribu perbulan
Saya akan membeli kursi _kursi , meja -meja warnet,head phone,mouse pad, kipas processor, power suply,kabe data, hardisk, dan lain-lain karena semuanya banyak yang telah rusak dimakan usia,selain itu uang tersebut akan saya gunakan untuk membeli alat-alat kebersihan berupa sapu ijuk,alat pel,juga pengharum ruangan ,juga untuk membeli asbak rokok dan tong sampah warnet,kabel-kabel listrik,juga keyboar d-keyboard komputer..
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 15, 2016
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 weeks
Other loans
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