For renovation and repair shop


Gresik, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  53%

About Me

I am a child of two brothers, I was born from an ordinary family. nun i have keinginann to happy my parents and my family. since moving to a modest housing purchased by me and my husband, I am trying to earn extra income by opening a clothing store and accessories, now I aim to buy a new storefront to add my display of merchandise. I hope zisidha can help me. I promise to improve my record payback with the best possible. thanks.

My Business

My income is from 2 sources, first: my own income from a child clothing store and accessories. including clasps, ribbons, kid"s clothes, baby clothes, as well I added a hijab item to my store. second: now my husband is also working at pt bahtera speed of archipelago.

Loan Proposal

I am planning on this loan fund, I will buy lights and display case to change and beautify my store display, to make it look more attractive, and can attract the attention of customers, so that can add my turnover and earnings.

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About Me

saya adalah anak peetama dari 2 bersaudara, saya lahir dari keluarga biasa saja. nun saya punya keinginann untuk membahagiakan orang tua saya dan keluarga saya. sejak pindah ke perumahan sederhana yang dibeli oleh saya dan suami, saya berusaha mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dengan membuka toko baju dan asesories, sekarang saya bertujuan membeli sebuah etalase baru guna menambah display barang dagangan saya. saya harap zisidha bisa membantu saya. saya berjanji akan memperbaiki rekor pembayaran kembali saya dengan sebaik mungkin. terimakasih.

My Business

pemdapatan saya ada dari 2 sumber,
pertama : penghasilan saya sendiri dari toko baju anak dan asesories. meliputi jepit, pita, baju anak, baju bayi, juga saya menambah item jilbab pada toko saya.
kedua : saat ini suami saya juga sedang bekerja di pt bahtera laju nusantara.

Loan Proposal

saya berencana dengan dana pinjaman ini, saya akan membeli lampu dan etalase guna merubah dan mempercantik display toko saya, agar terlihat lebih menarik, dan dapat menarik perhatian pelanggan, sehingga dapat menambah omset dan penghasilan saya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 30, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Donald Major

United States


The Hague, Netherlands

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  • Wiwik    Jan 12, 2018

    thank you so much for trusting me, I will use this money to buy a display storefront, to increase my stock of merchandise, also to beautify the display, and I am sure will increase my store turnover. Once again, thank you so much.

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  • Wiwik    Oct 4, 2017

    Thank fate for your trust. I will use this fund to add my store items.

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