Bird livestock business


Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  100%

About Me

I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts. I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts

My Business

I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts_I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts

Loan Proposal

I will buy the feed. And in the future I will buy a sire. For the first stage of this is purchased feed and subsequently apply for a loan back to buy sires.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts.I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts

My Business

I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts
I want to open a bird farm business. I need a pair of parent birds in the cattle. I can guarantee the results will be good and I am sure investors will be interested in my efforts

Loan Proposal

saya akan membelikan pakan. dan dikemudian hari saya akan membeli indukan . untuk tahap pertama ini di belikan pakan dan selanjutnya mengajukan pinjaman kembali untuk beli indukan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

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