The debt to be paid is used as well


Banjarbaru, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

38 installments  •  32%

About Me

I finally paid off the first loan.. hello, my name is edi maulana, you can call me edi. After graduating from school, I intend to immediately work as a construction worker in the city of Puruk Cahu, Central Kalimantan. After 8 months I feel tired and tired of the heat. bpkir to find another job and finally received an office job in Banjarmasin, thank God it's cool to use AC and now my office is moving to Banjarbaru. I really want to work while having a side business to try the business of selling credit, but because of capital constraints, it's only perfunctory, thank you so much.

My Business

I now only work from a monthly salary of 2,300,000, there is no great business, just selling credit at the office, what can you say, only a small profit because it is constrained by capital, if the profit is big, maybe I will never know zidisha. the cost of marriage, hopefully the next loan can apply for a bigger loan. thank you zidisha good luck always......

Loan Proposal

hopefully this loan bsa mmbantu my finance, borrow this akn I use baik2 its for hal2 yng bsa mngutungkn to facilitate my next loan byar thanks

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

akhirnya pinjaman pertama sudah saya lunasi.. hallo perkenalkan nama saya edi maulana bsa dipanggil edi.waktu kecil saya sekolah sd sampai smp di barambai mlnjut ke smk di kota marabahan. stlh lulus sekolah niat lngsung bekerja sbgai buruh bangunan di kota puruk cahu kalteng stlh 8 bln terasa cape dan melelahkn panas. bpkir untk cri kerja ke lain dan akhr y ditrima kerja kantoran di banjarmasin, alhamdulillah adem pkai ac dan skrang kantar saya pindah ke banjarbaru. pengin bngt kerja sambil bisnis usaha sampingan mencoba bisnis jual pulsa tapi karena terkndala modal cuma ala kadar y sekian terima kasih.

My Business

saya sekarang hanya kerja dari gaji tiap bulan sebesar 2.300.000 tidak ada usaha yang wah cuma jual pulsa di kantor apa bisa dikatakan usaha, cuma untung kecil karena terkendala modal kalo untung gede mngkin gk akn pernh kenal zidisha mudah2an zidisha bsa membantu pinjaman buat modal dan biaya nikah, semoga pinjaman selanjutnya bisa mengajukan pinjaman lebih besar. terima kasih zidisha semoga sukses selalu......

Loan Proposal

semoga pinjaman ini bsa mmbantu keuangan saya , pinjamn ini akn saya gunakan sebaik2 nya buat hal2 yng bsa mngutungkn untuk memudahkan saya byar pinjaman berikutnya terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 4, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Edi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Apr 26, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Apr 16, 2018 $0.76 Apr 18, 2018 $0.76
Apr 23, 2018 $0.76 Apr 23, 2018 $0.76
Apr 30, 2018 $12.09 Apr 26, 2018 $12.09
May 7, 2018 $0.62 Apr 26, 2018 $0.62
