Wheat flour for my hard cakes business


Meru, Kenya


$50 to go

0% funded of $50 goal


days left




Member since

April 2015

On-time repayments

1 installment  •  0%

About Me

I was born in Kiirua location by two parents Henry mwangi kithinji and Lucy mukiri, I attended Kiirua primary school which was a 7Km trekking distance from my home. I did my Kenya certificate of primary education in 2005 and attended Kirige boys secondary school, were I attained a B- , after finishing high school in year 2009 my parents were not able to take me to any tertiary school but after high school I started to work as a casual worker in building sites. the money I was getting I was able to save and start a small business whereby I started selling hard cakes ( Ngumu) in my location shops. After 6 months in the business I was able to buy a motorcycle which I used to carry the hard cakes on. My business was doing good and employed one man for only 6 hours in the morning to assist me cooking the cakes and transporting them. In year 2014 I registered for part-time a course Diploma in business administration at African Nazarene university Meru campus. I have been using the money from the business to pay my school fees and that of my little nephew. But now the business is suffering from a lot of cash outflows paying school fees and that why a friend of mine referred me to get a loan from Zidisha. The uniqueness with Meru county is that it a peaceful county where a business can thrive well. i would like my children to get a better education up to the University. My hobby is traveling and reading business and technology articles.

My Business

My business purposely is for selling hard cakes in Kiirua location shops. Due to the persistent increase in the price of breads , people in the region substituted to eating more of hard cakes for break fast and during tea breaks than bread. I choose to be selling hard cakes because it did not required me much of starting capital and listening to the market in my region there was more demand for hard cakes and people have the ability to buy them. i usually do my budget for two days for costs and profits. To prepare a one day supply for hard cakes i use Ksh 5,000 for heating, wheat flour, cooking oil,salt, sugar and food colours and Ksh 600 to pay the man i have employed. Total Sales Ksh. 10,300Total Ksh 5,600 and i get a gross profit of Ksh 4,700. net profit of Ksh 900. Am the first born in the family and all my siblings depends on me much because my parents are peasant farmers so much of my money goes to paying school fees for my siblings and my tuition fees to and the remainder i reinvest back into the business.

Loan Proposal

i will increase my stock of wheat flour because it is my main ingredient in the hard cakes. Two kilograms of wheat flour costs 3 dollars (3 USD). increasing on my stock will help me meet the demands for my clients , which means more earnings for my business and my employee. On the start the profit wont increase much but with an increase of a bail ( carton) of wheat flour i will be able to be making an extra of ksh 250 in profits in four days.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

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  • Kennedy    May 10, 2024

    Hello supporters, I have received the funds I needed for the project.
    I bought Kgas 13KG cooking gas.
    Hello, thank you for your support. The funds I received helped me a lot in my business. Now am able to fulfill orders without delays in the morning.

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  • Kennedy    May 2, 2024

    I will buy 13Kg cooking gas. It will help me lower the waiting cost of production while lowering carbon emission during cooking. I appreciate your contribution towards my business.

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