Yama and sweet potatoes farming


Nairobi, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

July 2015

On-time repayments

98 installments  •  77%

About Me

Hi!..am Isaac bornand raised up from a rural African set up in a family of 7 children where am the second born. Life was tough but despite all the odds I managed to get education up to class 8 where I dropped out and went into matatu business as a tout for more than 6 years. I saved enough to go back to school for my secondary education and enrolled myself in a local secondary day school where I managed to score B plain in my KCSE with support from the church and we'll wishers however i didn't qualify for university. I went into being employed in a shopomill where.i worked for 2 years with other side hustles like rearing rabbits for sale,pool tables game and was able to raise enough money to study CPAs up.to section 6. Getting a white color job has been tedious with low pay more than used to.earn from my hustler and therefore am now into agribusiness where am currently farming yams and sweetpotatoes with rabbits and pool tables being additional revenue stream. I intend to extend my farming and reach the regional market where sweet potatoes and yams are scarce

My Business

Am working as a freelancer on accounts and taxation consultant, farming and pool game business to raise money for my small family of 2 kid since I believe I can change the world for my family and other children who are being brought up in the same set up I was brought up in as I see a bright future ahead. Farming is the backbone of most of the economies and I believe it's one of the areas less populated and one that have alot.of potential untapped

Project Proposal

Being a small scale farmer,I intend to increase my sweetpotatoes production by changing the quality of my seedlings which I intend to purchase with the additional fund





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 19, 2022



Nairobi, Kenya


Accra, Ghana




Kumasi, Ghana

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Isaac

$17 (4 Projects)

Projects funded by Isaac's Pay It Forward recipients

$1,982 (127 Projects)

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