Additional kuroiler chicks and construction of durable cage


Matundura, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

214 installments  •  50%

About Me

How much can I borrow?
First-time members start with a small test loan to build creditworthiness. After that, the amounts you can borrow will increase with each loan that you repay on time, up to a maximum of 1,014,790 KES per loan.An idealistic twenty-four-year-old, I'd been hired out of graduate school to manage overseas grants on behalf of the US government. This was my second year on the job and I already had a reputation as a maverick. To the discomfort of my colleagues, I refused to stay at the expensive hotel normally reserved for US government visitors and settled instead on a cheap hostel. The hotel cost more per day than many Nigeriens earned in a year, and I couldn't stand the disparity.

My Business

Chiropractors diagnose and treat patients whose health problems are associated with the body's muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems, especially the spine. Chiropractors believe interference with these systems impairs normal functions and lowers resistance to disease. They also hold that the spinal or vertebral dysfunction alters many important body functions by affecting the nervous system and the skeletal imbalance through joint or articular dysfunction.

This chiropractor's approach to health care is holistic, emphasizing the patient's overall health and wellness. Betcher Chiropractic recognizes that there are many factors that can affect one's wellness including but not limited to: exercise, diet, rest, environment, and hereditary. Betcher Chiropractic provides natural, drugless, nonsurgical health treatments, relying on the bodies inherent recuperative functions.

Loan Proposal

With my second loan, I want to purchase Kuroiler chicken. Kuroiler is a genetically improved breed from India. This variety of chicken is derived from crossing coloured broiler males with Rhode Island Red females. This is a dual-purpose breed since it can be used for producing eggs and meat hence their high demand. The maturity period is about 10 weeks compared to local breeds that take several months or even up to a year to mature. At maturity, Kuroiler chicken weigh about 3.5kg as compared to other breeds that weigh 2kg. Local or indigenous chicken produce tastier meat than modern breeds. Also, indigenous breeds are known for laying yellow york eggs which are extremely nutritious. Kuroiler chicken are just like indigenous chicken, their meat is tasty and they lay yellow York eggs. This makes their realing a profitable venture.I will start with 5 layers only and will be able to crossbreed them with local ones since they don’t incubate and hatch their eggs. So the local ones will do the incubation.
I will purchase 10chicks (two months old) @ USD 8 and since my current breeds are enclosed in a cage, I will by feeds at the beginning at a cost of USD50 I am also planning to construct a durable cage which will be separate from the current one. This will take approx. USD 170. With this I will have had a headstart in this idea that I want to push forward.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 17, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

44 months



Paul Graham

United States

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