Additional stock for my shop


Mufulira, Zambia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $13 goal


days left




Member since

July 2022

On-time repayments

1 installment  •  0%

About Me

My full name is Stephen kafumbu and i live in Mufulira. My father worked in the mines and i finished my education right in mufulira then i did training in Accounting. I got a job but its a contract so i decided to start business to help me with family needs. I am married and i have two kids, a boy and a girl. The boy wants to become an Engine and my girl wants to study maths she likes numbers a lot. SO i started this business just to be helping pay school fees and provided needs for my family. In my free time i like reading business books.

My Business

I do mixed business, i have shop which has a barbershop and the other side i sell soft drinks and variety of groceries. The grocery side i sell bread, milk, drinks, business, soaps and so on. This kind of business is good people need these small items on a daily basis, they need bread after work so i am selling well so far. My wife is the one who is running fulltime and after i knock off from work i join her so that she goes to rest, but for the barber shop i have employed a certain man who is working just okay. The typical cost i face is rising price commodities, fuel in my country increases every now and then so prices of goods also are not stable, but generally am doing okay am able to make profit and take care of my family and also pay school fees for my kids.

Project Proposal

I wish to apply for this loan amount K236 to help me in my business to add stock in my shop. I run a barber shop and on the other side are stocks of groceries for sale to my happy customers. I am trying my best to grow my business to keep it floating. so with help from Zidisha i hope to increase in my business. The loan will be use to add things like sugar, tea bags, mineral water and milk. I hope to make profit of about K50 and i will put back the profit in my business so that my business can grow. I am looking forward to your assistance.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 15, 2022



Kitwe, Zambia

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