Baking ingredients


Ndola, Zambia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $117 goal


days left




Member since

January 2021

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  25%

About Me

My name is Joyce Mzaduri a Zambian citizen. Being in the second born in a family of three and the only child, my childhood was very interesting in some way. My father was a primary school teacher and my mother was just a house wife who took very good care of her kids. I grew up in society that had norms which suggested that a woman was only brought on Earth for marriage and a male child was the one to go to school and be whatever he wanted once he completed his studies.
My brother and I attended the same school from about grade two to grade nine. I remember being amongst the 4-6 girls only present in a class of 40-50 pupils. I regarded myself as lucky because most of my friends from the neighborhood were denied the privilege of going to attain an education as the boys did. I would then after class get back home and pass on the information I understood to my friends and that would make them so happy I remember.
Mum was a very good and is still a great baker. I recall that when every body is home on a Sunday afternoon, she would always be in the kitchen baking us something we least expect. I then developed a habit of watching her bake and slowly but sure I finally got the skill.
When I learned how to prepare fritters, I first baked a few for my family and friends and was waiting for the feedback on how they tasted like, to my surprise, they all came back asking for more. This made my family proud because I had this skill just in grade five. It was jaw dropping for the community too. Until my brother asked me to make fritters to sale at school, I was first paranoid thinking nobody would even buy from me because of whatever reasons. So I the first time I made fritters to take to school, I specifically made them for the teachers who taught us various subjects and just like the first time, I waited for their response too and it was so exciting and motivating how they loved them. That's how I first started selling fritters and I'd say that was my first business, In grade five!

By the time I was in grade 10 I learnt how to bake a cake. After the completion of secondary school, my father did not have enough money to take me to school as he was still sponsoring my elder brother to get done with he's degree program. I then thought to myself that instead of waiting on my elder brother to get done, why don't I just start a business of my own? That's how I became a baker specifically for cakes.

My Business

My main business is baking cakes. I have a wide range of customers waiting on my services almost every time. Many people wonder how come I do not get tired but I tell them that it is difficult to get tired of doing something you love the most, for me that's baking. I work through orders, only if a customer makes an order that's when I get to bake. I've baked for quite a lot of events like wedding ceremonies, birthday parties, family gatherings and just many other events.
My cakes range from 450-1500 making the fruit cake the most expensive. In a week, I usually do not get anything less than 3 calls concerning orders for my cakes. I would brag that I am quite outstanding and my services are well appreciated by the general public.

Loan Proposal

So I recently received an order to be the one to bake a cake for a certain girl I know. I have known this girl only for months now and ever since she tested my baking one time she came home she really loved it and we'll it's been 8 months since then she just called me and said can you Carter for my wedding cake. I was very happy but then I need help with the money to buy all the necessary ingredients for a wedding cake as I do not want to disappoint her in the least.

Income Source

Well this is a wedding cake order and she has already made the some payments. For my orders I ask my customers to make a down payment of atleast 30% of the total bill that it alone will not be enough for all the ingredients and so if the loan is due before my full payment I will get the down payment she has paid to repay my loan





  • Jessica    Jan 30, 2021

    Loan was repaid well in advance. All the best to you and your business Joyce

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 7, 2021

Repayment status


Projected term

7 weeks


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