Buy a modern knitting machine for my sweater production


Nakuru, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

October 2011

On-time repayments

205 installments  •  81%

About Me

My name is Elizabeth Wambui and I have disability of not able to walk well but I thank God because I am able to walk using a walking stick. Also thank God because I am able to work to earn a living. I Live at Maili Kumi Center in a rented house and it is in a plot known as Mama Mwaura’s plot just along the Nakuru/Nyahururu road, shortly after Maili Kumi Stage on the way to Bahati,and it is opposite the big tent of The Church of Kings Outreach (The Alter). I come from Banita, that is where my parent lives. I grew up at place called Banita which is in Nakuru County where i went to school. After school i went was taken to a trainning to do kn eating this was after i long struggle because in our society people to do not belief that a disabled person can be able to stand alone and be able to work. Then after the training i started a business. M y hobby is charting and listing to music.

My Business

I have a business of knitting sweaters, where I make sweaters for the young and grownups all together my business is located at Maili Kumi Centre at Bahati. I usually get orders for school going children (uniforms).from this business Iam able to pay my personal bills like paying house rent, pay the rent of shop where my business is situated and other personal needs I also help my parents if need be. From the business I get about 70000 annually.
I do kneat sweaters and sell them. The sweaters are the warmth during the cold season and also as school uniforms. i choose this business because i have done the training to kneat the sweater and also due to my condition i can only do such a work. The typicall cost is about 70,000 kes . I use the the amount by reinvestment in growing the business and home improvements .

Loan Proposal

I would like to buy a modern kn eating machine which will cost 30,000 kes i will have to add some money from the pocket to be able to top up the remaining amount . This will benefit the others by kn eating modern sweater which is heavy and have warmth. I expect to double the business profit from the previous profit at about 50%






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 21, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

18 months




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Munich, Germany

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  • Elzabeth    Aug 1, 2017

    I received kesh 28000 which i am planing to buy some a machine i will buy soon after toping up the amount which will be enough to the machine that kesh3500 which i am saving from the profit. I am still using the old machine but soon i will have new one thank you.

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  • Elzabeth    Jun 30, 2017

    Thank you lenders for the loan i will use the amount to buy a upgraded machine for my business which will cost Kes 30,000 it will improve my bussiness because it lessen my and make it more effective. Than you very much.

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  • Elzabeth    Jun 29, 2017

    I used the loan to kneating threads and to repair my machine. The previous loan helped to raise my business and i was able to get 90% profit from business due to that loan.

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  • Elzabeth    Apr 14, 2016

    i thank the lenders for the loan now iam able to work without stress because i am able to buy stock of kn eating threads of different coulors and sizes so i do not have to send people everyday and also i use less more and make good profit thanks zidisha for good work.

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  • Florian    Jun 15, 2015

    Dear Elzabeth, you have missed three repayments. Do you have any problems? Please keep us informed.

    Best regards,


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  • Elzabeth    Apr 28, 2015

    I received the amount 30000kes and i use the amount to buy kneating machine which i will use to kneat modern sweater.

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  • Elzabeth    Apr 21, 2015

    Thank for loan it will help me to purchase a kn eating machine of 30,000 kes the machine will be much u self to my business because it will k neat the modern double k neat sweat which are very marketable than the single one . Thanks lender for on time loan.

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  • Elzabeth    Apr 17, 2015

    With the last loan i bought neating thread for selling and for neating , some cloths for small children for selling. this all coste 29000 kes which received. this made a very big difference in my work place because the people found varieties in my business this also increase my income , i was able to pay loan and also was able to help my parent and my siblings.

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  • Elzabeth    Apr 15, 2015

    I would like to pay more installment to be able to finish my loan because my business is doing well and i am also hoping to finish my loan at the seat to be able to create room for another new loan. I am very grateful for the completing the loan thank Zidisha for the good work .

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  • SvenWaage    May 24, 2014

    I wish you success in your venture.

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  • Elzabeth    Mar 26, 2014

    thanks zidisha for the heart of lending. thanks.

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  • Elzabeth    Mar 26, 2014

    I would like to change my payment model because my business of late have started to be good and I would like to pay more money than I have been paying. I would like to thank you Zidisha people for the good work you are doing of lending us money as for me I am very grateful to God for that work.Thank you very much.

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    • KM    Mar 27, 2014

      Hello Miss Wambui. I am happy to learn that your business is doing so well. Thank you again for your repayments, and I wish you continued success.

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  • KM    Nov 3, 2013

    Hello! I hope you are doing well. I want to thank you for making part of your November payment ahead of time. Many lenders use repayments to fund loans for others, so that the Zidisha community can continue to grow. Best wishes for continued sucess!

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