Buy teaching and learning aids for my nursery school


Makunga, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

September 2014

On-time repayments

86 installments  •  51%

About Me

Pouline Oyula Kadogo was born in 1979 in a humble family and the third born in a family of five.
I went to school in makunga primary, Namirama girls hi9gh school where I completed my fourth form.
I got married immidiatly unfortunately my marriage did not work. My husband threw me out after he found new love catch and went a head to make love in my presence and on my matrimonial Bed.
I went back to my parents and fortunately was taken to college to persue a certificate in Early child hood Education ECDE at Kaimisi technical college.
I started a small kindergarten at home in a certain church where i have fifteen children enrolled in nursary.
To make ends meet i cook chips at road side after school to feed my family of two childen.
I believe that one day things will work well for me in life.

My Business

I started a small school with fifteen children who pay 1500/= per month. this enable me ran the school and at-least to see to it that children around our home get knowledge.
After school I fry chips and sell to taxi drivers and motor bike drivers. In a good day I get at-least 1000/= per day. This makes my total earning to something like 32000/= per month which enables me take care of my self and my children not to bother my aging parents.

Loan Proposal

When I get the loan I want to use Kshs. 1000 to buy Wall Charts for my Nursery school for teaching reference. The remaining amount of Ksh. 3500. will buy one sack of Irish potatoes and After sale I know this will yield approximately Kshs. 5700. This will be a profit of Kshs. 1500. Frying oil expenses Excluded.
I want to trust my lenders and pray that My loan be funded.
Kindly Stand with me and support my vision.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 20, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Janet Merrill Miller

The Mossy Pacific Northwest, United States


Northants, United Kingdom

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