Equipment for my online training program


Thingithu Estate, Nanyuki, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

June 2015

On-time repayments

54 installments  •  41%

About Me

I grew up mostly in the care of my mom because my dad was away at work most of the time. I remember taking her to the farm, picking up mature sweet potatoes and making sweet breakfast meals out of these.
I enjoyed two things most during these formative years, my normal school and Sunday school days and the time I spent helping my mom in the farm. We had just about enough to have a good life, and love was abundant as well.
The influence my mother had in my life easily directed my career choice. I knew then that I wanted to go into natural resource management. After high school, I joined the university to study Wildlife Ecology and Management.
While still attending University, I started paying attention to the needs of society. I looked at the roles I should play to help the youth create wealth, make societies have ready and easily accessible sources of fuelwood. My initial business was borne of this idea; making it easy for youth and women to access natural resources easily and affordably and to manage these sustainably.
I thus, started a tree nursery business that grew to become a community-based organization. In its formative years, its proceeds went to covering my university tuition fees, which I would not have paid otherwise. I now have gone into training and believe that doing it online helps me reach even more youth. The scope of my training is now broad to include online earning ventures as well. All these target the youth to give them solid avenues of making money despite the tough times.
This is only normal considering the true spirit of community that the various families I live among exercise. It is this spirit I hope to see in my children when they grow up. At 10, 3 and 1, only the eldest knows he want to become an aviator. The rest are happy to tag a long for now, which I must admit I am very grateful for.
I play rugby and plant trees. I practice both as hobbies, which some people find not only unique but odd as well. Well, to each his own.

My Business

I offer online training on natural resource management and earning from online ventures. I have digital courses in raising a nursery of seedlings as well as on online writing. These targets the youth who because of the current economic situation, do not easily get into formal employment as an appropriate situation would allow.
I have always looked at the role I can play in making the society better. Raising tree seedlings helped me raise college tuition, I therefore believe sharing this information with other youth, who may share my circumstances, will find the information very useful.
I enroll and train on average, 6 youth in a week on any of the two modules I offer. The tree nursery training online costs K.Shs. 527 while the online writing training costs K.Shs. 1030. It on average is 50-50 as both courses attract the same attention. This means my weekly revenue is K.Shs. 4671. I spend K.Shs. 1040 on internet fees and use the rest to further develop the courses, market my offers and save 5%.

Loan Proposal

I seek to contract the services of a web designer to create a website that aptly displays the courses I offer as well as give brief descriptions or course outline of each module. The web developer will incorporate other essential add-ons like payment services so every aspect of the business is out to the public every single time. This will help me cut down on the time I use to market and instead use this time to develop other modules and broaden the courses I offer. The cost of contracting a web developer for the said services is US$ 170.
This will help me increase my profits and make me more available to my students. Added consultation times will translate to them better understanding the courses they enroll for. It will give me time to follow up a bit more and monitor their progress for a lot longer than I am able to do now.
I am projecting the business will grow and attract 20 students every week when I go live online. This will increase my profits by 300% to K.Shs 7,500 per week.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 25, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Daniel    Jan 13, 2016

    I have not been able to work just as much while I have been on training; I therefore have not been able to raise the required amount weekly. I will pay all outstanding amounts and readjust to the initial amount as soon as I resume work on full-time basis.

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  • Brenda    Jan 6, 2016

    Dear lenders ,Daniel promised to repay his loan in the course of this week

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  • Daniel    Nov 23, 2015

    Thank you Zidisha and thank you lenders for your generosity. I now am set to register for my accreditation course. Thank you!

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  • Daniel    Nov 16, 2015

    Thank you Zidisha and all the lenders for the faith you have in me. I now look forward to joining the certification course. God bless you all.

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  • Daniel    Oct 26, 2015

    Thank you Paul! Thank you Zidisha! The structure of the online course is very mature now with steady enrolments. I have even saved up some and been thinking of being certified. I will come back to you to raise a bit more as my savings will not quite cover the requisite fee.

    Once again, thank you so!

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  • Daniel    Sep 9, 2015

    The training portal is now live. The number of trainees is increasing surely and steadily. Thank you Zidisha!

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  • Daniel    Aug 11, 2015

    Thank you for the loan, I through the Elance/Upwork platform, have contracted a web designer to provide a well rounded website that will have all my online offerings in a single portal. This should be up and running in another few days.

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  • Daniel    Jul 24, 2015

    Thank you Paul for your trust in this. I will make both of us proud, I assure you.

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