Laptop for graphic design


Nairobi, Kenya

10% paid forward




Member since

January 2020

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  0%

About Me

"If you cannot figure out your purpose, figure out your passion" I am not sure whose quote is this but all I can say is that I gave me a different perspective of what you can achieve with your passion or hobby. I love reading books mostly no fiction and this hobby gave me on of the best business ideas I have ever come up with. Many people like having their library in the house and just to see the books. What happens when you don't want that. You either donate the books or sale. So I decided to do the latter.

I also do digital marketig for small business and also design their posters and manage some their social media as well.

My Business

I do interior design by installing wallpapers and providing fumigation services. I also do digital marketing services and part time active recruitment specialist

Project Proposal

I'm a graphic designer and a freelance social media manager. I Need to upgrade my laptop for one with higher specs for efficiency and quality work output and also be able to handle more jobs within a short duration of time.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 17, 2024



Nairobi, Kenya


Kabwe, Zambia

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  • Maxwell    Mar 17, 2024

    Dear generous supporters, thanks to your contributions, I really appreciate your generous support. I will purchase a laptop for my project, enhancing its efficiency. Your support empowers me to fulfill my goals, and I'm immensely grateful for your belief in my vision.

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