Grass to feed cows for high milk production at low cost


Nakuru, Kenya

138% paid forward




Member since

February 2023

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  65%

About Me

Greetings all,
My name is Sisungo masinde, I am from kenya and a teacher by proffesion with intrest in dairy and crop farming.
I grew up in Kakamega western region parts of Kenya, I started developing passion for farming while i was young, My parents used to keep cows, goats and pigs, I learnt alot from my dad as i used to accompany him while he was milkig the cows.
Watching the struggle and hardship my parents went through to see me and siblings go to school, I alwas wished to make a diffrence in my community and family.
I worked hard while in school and after college i started working for diffrent schools before i moved to Nakuru where i settled with my husband who is also a High school teacher.
I have four children three boys and one girl who is 13 years old and the youngest of my children.

My Business

With lots of efforts and support from parents, husband and job, I run a succesful dairy farm consisting of six heifers and two bulls, I also keep goats which i normally sell on dece,mber holidays.
I provide milk for neighbours and hotels which are my main custormers.
I get my feeds from the farm this is napier grass and maize stalks, i buy dairy meal and mix with my feeds to make my cows produce more milk and remain healthy.
I am hopping to plant more napier grass like bracharia grass which is known to be rich and high in protein content, produces more biomass even on low fertile soil and has fast recovery after grazzing, The grass is tasty to livestock more nutrious and easy to digest with other benefits like drought tolerance and produces less gasses per liter of milk produced. This way i will produce more milk sell at relatively cheaper price thus sell faster and generate revenue as i tartget to supply to retaillers and more individual consumers.

Project Proposal

I will plant bracharia grass which is high in protein content as a way to increase milk production reduce cost of feeds and sell milk at affordable price.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 18, 2023



Molo, Kenya

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$2,278 (34 Projects)

Projects funded by Sisungo's Pay It Forward recipients

$14,960 (186 Projects)

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