
Dakar, Senegal


$342 to go

53% funded of $731 goal


days left




Member since

June 2010

On-time repayments

28 installments  •  32%

About Me

My name is Aissatou Traore, I am from Casamance. I am a widow with one child, who is twelve, who is in school. After the bac (college entrance exam), I received training to be an office secretary. I have a certificate in international business and marketing. Considering the economic situation in my region (the conflicts in Casamance), I work to help my family.

My Business

I work in the Marketing Network and I am a partener in a multinational American company in the health products industry. With at least a minor presence all over the world, we distribute natural products made by Forever Living Products to help people control their health and feel better. The company was founded in 1987 in Arizona and has a presence in 150 countries. Being a partner of this company, I solicit financing to boost my business and to help people all over the world get access to these natural products which help their health every day. Previously to start my business I received a loan of 300,000 CFA (roughly $600) which I finished paying back in 6 intervals in December of 2009.

Loan Proposal

I am your Zidisha partner Aissatou Traore.
I thank all the donors who believe in my project and were willing to put some money to raise funds and allow me to make my business grow.
This present loan will allow me to increase my volume of natural food supplements that I carry to remote areas of the country. Indeed I travel to 8 of 14 regions that make up Senegal, including many very remote villages and urban centers. I tell you, people appreciate good information and advice and do not hesitate to buy our natural plant-based food supplements to manage their health and fight against malaria. I believe that everyone needs to have a healthy body and a healthy mind to progress in life. Thank you in advance because this time we get to equal the requested amount and I trust you will be many to support me. BYE

Show original Français  

About Me

My name is Aissatou Traore, I am from Casamance. I am a widow with one child, who is twelve, who is in school. After the bac (college entrance exam), I received training to be an office secretary. I have a certificate in international business and marketing. Considering the economic situation in my region (the conflicts in Casamance), I work to help my family.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Mon nom est Aissatou Traore, je suis originaire de la Casamance. Je suis veuve et j’ai un enfant de 12 ans qui va a l’ecole. Apres le Bac j’ai suivi une formation en secretariat bureautique, j’ai un Brevet de Technicienne Superieur en commerce international et marketing. Compte tenu de la situation economique dans ma region (conflit casamancaise), je travaille pour aider ma famille.

My Business

My name is Aissatou Traore, I am from Casamance. I am a widow with one child, who is twelve, who is in school. After the bac (college entrance exam), I received training to be an office secretary. I have a certificate in international business and marketing. Considering the economic situation in my region (the conflicts in Casamance), I work to help my family.

I work in the Marketing Network and I am a partener in a multinational American company in the health products industry. With at least a minor presence all over the world, we distribute natural products made by Forever Living Products to help people control their health and feel better. The company was founded in 1987 in Arizona and has a presence in 150 countries. Being a partner of this company, I solicit financing to boost my business and to help people all over the world get access to these natural products which help their health every day.

Previously to start my business I received a loan of 300,000 CFA (roughly $600) which I finished paying back in 6 intervals in December of 2009.

(this is a translation of the original French below)

Mon nom est Aissatou Traore, je suis originaire de la Casamance. Je suis veuve et j’ai un enfant de 12 ans qui va a l’ecole. Apres le Bac j’ai suivi une formation en secretariat bureautique, j’ai un Brevet de Technicienne Superieur en commerce international et marketing. Compte tenu de la situation economique dans ma region (conflit casamancaise), je travaille pour aider ma famille.

Je travaille dans le Networtk Marketing et je suis partenaire d;une multinationale americaine qui evolue dans le marche du MIEUX ETRE.
Un peu partout a travers le monde nous distribuons des PRODUITS NATURELS de FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS pour aider les gens a gerer la SANTE et a se sentir mieux. Cette Societe est fondee en 1978 en ARIZONA, elle est presente dans 150 pays au monde. Etant partenaire de cette societe je sollicite un financement pour booster mon business et aider les gens un peu partout avec ces produits naturels pour s’occuper de leur SANTE chaque jour.

Auparavant pour demarrer mon business je recu un prêt de 300 000 francs et que j’ai fini de rembourser depuis decembre 2009 en 6 tranches.

Loan Proposal

I am Aissatou Traore votre partenaire de zidisha.
Je remercie tous les bailleurs qui ont jusqu'ici cru à mon projet et ont bien voulu mettre un peu de leur argent pour lever les fonds et me permettre de bien faire évoluer mon business.
Ce financement que je demande va me permettre d'augmenter mon volume de compléments alimentaires naturels à acheminer dans les zones reculées du pays. En effet je fais 8 régions sur 14 que compte le Sénégal et beaucoup de villages très reculés des centre urbains et je vous dis les populations apprécient bien les informations, les conseils et n'hésitent pas à acheter nos compléments alimentaires naturels à base de plantes pour gérer leur santé et lutter contre le paludisme. Moi je croix que tout le monde a besoin d'avoir un corps sain et aussi un esprit sain pour progresser dans la vie. Merci d'avance car cette fois ci nous arriverons à atteindre le montant demandé et vous serez très nombreux pour me financer. BYE






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

Ask Aissatou a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Aissatou    Jul 14, 2017

    Good evening the community zidisha I am in my business forever living products with natural products for well being and health. I am in my eighth year because I started in July 2009.

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  • Aissatou    Aug 30, 2016

    hi this picture, aissatou traore

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  • Aissatou    Aug 30, 2016

    Hi Aissatou TRAORE, this my picture

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  • Aissatou    Aug 30, 2016

    Hi,__I'am Aissatou TRAORE member since 2010 and I can back to request another loan to boost my business whith my company partner FOREVER LIVING. thanks for lenders

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  • Aissatou    Jun 2, 2015

    dear my lenders,
    je viens a nouveau faire une demande de pret pour booster mon activites et atteindre mes objectifs que je me suis fixer. J'ai besoin de ce pret pour augmenter mon stock parce je fais les zones rurales et parfois tres eloignees de Dakar.

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  • Aissatou    Mar 27, 2015

    I am aissatou traore and I want to congragulate members of zidisha whose help me to do my business better. I am happy and my company give me a travel in USA for 12 days to visit and meet many people partners of the company. It is very interessing

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  • Aissatou    Feb 28, 2015

    Hi, I am Aissatou Traore a member of zidisha comminuty since 2010. I work entreprenarialship whith a American company whose name is FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS and I am happy in my business. I help many people to achieve theirs dreams. In 2014 I build a house for my mother in my region because this is my promess whith my loan of zidisha and I work very hard to realize this dream. It is one part of my life

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  • mfrost3    Feb 4, 2014

    Hi! My name is Miriam and I’m a Client Relationship Manager in Senegal. I was able to meet with Aissatou Traore yesterday along with a fellow intern Erin and get an update on how she and her business are doing.

    Aissatou is still working with Forever Living, and we met with her at the office in Sacre Coeur 3. She is now in a managerial position so she is able to make more money from her sales. Forever Living is a health and beauty company based in Arizona that works around the world. The company has grown to over 12 million distributers in 172 countries. Aissatou is one of those distributers – she buys Forever Living products to use and sell to others. She is constantly expanding her client base and is always looking to get more people involved in the business. Just from hearing her talk, you can tell that Aissatou is very passionate about her work.

    With her last loan, Aissatou was able to start construction on a house for her mother in Ziguinchor in the Casamance, the southern area of Senegal. She showed us the floor plan for the house and is so excited to have broken ground. Her mother has been sick for the past two years and has been living with Aissatou in Parcelles Assainies, but with the loan she will be able to build the house house and make sure her mother is taken care of. Aissatou expects the construction will take four months, and after that she would like to take out another loan so that she can train her two nephews to work for Forever Living as well.

    Aissatou had posted a loan request in December but unfortunately it was not fully funded before the deadline passed. She hopes future lenders will look at her successes and her successful repayment rate when she posts her next loan request and will support her in her work.

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  • mfrost3    Feb 4, 2014

    Hi! My name is Miriam and I’m a Client Relationship Manager in Senegal. I was able to meet with Aissatou Traore yesterday along with a fellow intern Erin and get an update on how she and her business are doing.

    Aissatou is still working with Forever Living, and we met with her at the office in Sacre Coeur 3. She is now in a managerial position so she is able to make more money from her sales. Forever Living is a health and beauty company based in Arizona that works around the world. The company has grown to over 12 million distributers in 172 countries. Aissatou is one of those distributers – she buys Forever Living products to use and sell to others. She is constantly expanding her client base and is always looking to get more people involved in the business. Just from hearing her talk, you can tell that Aissatou is very passionate about her work.

    With her last loan, Aissatou was able to start construction on a house for her mother in Ziguinchor in the Casamance, the southern area of Senegal. She showed us the floor plan for the house and is so excited to have broken ground. Her mother has been sick for the past two years and has been living with Aissatou in Parcelles Assainies, but with the loan she will be able to build the house house and make sure her mother is taken care of. Aissatou expects the construction will take four months, and after that she would like to take out another loan so that she can train her two nephews to work for Forever Living as well.

    Aissatou had posted a loan request in December but unfortunately it was not fully funded before the deadline passed. She hopes future lenders will look at her successes and her successful repayment rate when she posts her next loan request and will support her in her work.

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  • Aissatou    Dec 9, 2013

    For the community of zidisha,
    i wait for somebody to do something because tomorro is the last day to complete this loan for mee. If you give 50, 100, 200 USD you agree to do something for the other and help me to realize my projet.
    I can believe to your power of giving.
    Bye aissatou traore

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  • Aissatou    Dec 4, 2013

    chers bailleurs de zidisha, il est encore tant pour vous d'augmenter le montant du financement avant la date de cloture pour aider à financer mon projet. Je travaille avec Forever living products dans les compléments alimentaires naturels pour gérer la santé, la forme et le bien etre.les populations apprécient nos produits naturels parce qu' elles arrivent à améliorer leur santé et ça leur permet de bien travailler et d'etre productif. Dans les zones rurales les gens font l'agriculture comme activité principale donc ils ont besoin de leur santé parce que c'est vital. Je demande ce pret pour augmenter mon stock et moi aussi de réussir à réaliser mon projet avec ce que je vais gagner notamment construire une maison pour ma mère.
    Je compte sur vous et votre financement avant la date de cloture. Merci

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  • Aissatou    Nov 30, 2013

    Aissatou remercie toutes les personnes qui ont confiance en elle et à son projet et tous ceux qui n'hésiteront pas à aider à financer son projet. Car c'est avec vous que je vais réussir et aider le maximum de personnes à s'en sortir, à gérer leur santé avec l'utilisation des compléments alimentaires pour la forme et le bien etre, à lutter contre le paludisme et travailler pour gagner leur vie. je sais dans ce monde il y a des gens bien, prets à soutenir les bonnes causes donc c'est juste dans quelques jours pour atteindre l'objectif final du montant demandé. Prenez ce montant et donnez le c'est pour la bonne cause.Bye,

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  • Shealady    Nov 28, 2013

    I just wanted to say thank God for people like yourselves who care so much for others, it truly is a honor to help you with a small loan, I know it is not much but I do hope it is a small help to you. I will keep watching your loans and if I can help more I certainly will. God Bless you and your family, please be safe traveling those long distances...please! You truly are a blessing and inspiration, your spirit definitely shows in your photo.....beautiful smile!!!!
    God Bless and take care of yourself.
    Lorey Brown
    Nova Scotia Canada

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    • Aissatou    Nov 30, 2013

      Hi shealady,
      je te remercie pour les propos bienveillants à mon endroit. Merci pour ton soutien et pour le montant que tu ma versé. Saches que ton sourire me va droit au coeur. Ensempble nous batirons un monde meilleur.

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  • Aissatou    Nov 21, 2013

    dear lenders I am sorry to see that so far the amount I requested is far from being reached. And yet if you knew how much I need this funding for my business and to expand my network in the deep interior of Senegal. So I'm counting on this amount to boost my business and popularize among populations the use of natural supplements to prevent certain diseases. people here have a lot of health problems such as malaria

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  • Aissatou    Nov 7, 2013

    Dear my lenders,
    Je viens auprès de vous pour solliciter à nouveau un pret pour booster mes activités. Je suis dans ce commerce de net work marketing trés passionnant pour moi. j'ai besoin de fonds pour faire les zones les plus reculées et apportées ces produits aux populations qui en ont les plus besoin. chers bailleurs j'aimerai compter sur vous merci

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  • Aissatou    Oct 11, 2013

    another world is possible to build whith the lenders of this comminuty of zidisha. to realize my promesses i think in you. i want to help evrebody but i have some some little products to travel in a long journey. i like my job timely this linkage is very important but again commitment to lend me money for my business. Don't wait, it is time to go one. bye

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  • Aissatou    Oct 3, 2013

    I thank my first lender, jonhfay.
    I encourage all the lenders of good will who believe in my business to support me so that I can increase my stock and advise many people to use our natural products for health and fitness. I know in a few days you will have answered my request and I will be able to support and assist people who are in need. Our only enemy is time that does not depend on us but every 24 hours that passes allows us to do a good deed. You are the right people to help each woman to grow into herself. thank you

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  • mike123riley    Sep 24, 2012

    Dear Lenders,

    My name is Michael Riley, Client relations intern in Dakar, Senegal. I too recently had the opportunity to meet the wonderful entrepreneur Aissatou Traore. Welcoming me graciously into her home, we discussed our families, our interests and the nature of international business. In previous comments you have read how your loans have helped Aissatou move up the ladder with Forever Living, I was happy to hear about this success and was lucky to gain her perspective on the importance of hard work. Aissatou is well aware of the issues that plague her country, poverty, access to education, unemployment etc. However she refuses to complain, and prefers to look at things with a glass half full attitude. She discussed how Senegal, and Africa in general, represent a huge market to be tapped. She sees the potential for development in Senegal and stresses that people such as her self remain in Senegal to help improve their country. She truly believes that Senegal will prosper in the future as long as people have the ambition to continue working hard.
    With Forever Living, Aissatou is allowed to act as her own boss and create her own schedule that allows her to fulfill her responsibilities as a single mother, a daughter caring for her aging mother, and as a business women. Aissatou is a thoughtful and extremely intelligent individual and she hopes that her lenders continue to stand behind her, as her humble ambition to build a home in the Casamance for her mother stays in her focus.
    Until next time, Aissatou is off traveling throughout Senegal this week conducting her business, finding partners and buyers for Forever Living products.

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  • Aissatou    Aug 26, 2012

    dear my lenders,
    i am aissatou Traore from sénégal in ouest africa, now today i travel in mbour in 80 km to Dakar to meet some people who buy my products. It's more interessing for me because some one like to do the same thing whith my business she cane be my partner and she represent my company partner in this locality .In few days i can finish my paid for my lenders. I work very hard to realize my dream TO BUILD A HOUSE IN ZIGUINCHOR FOR MY MOTHER IN 2013, January to May.if you can supor me again for a new lend. Thank for all

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  • Admin    Aug 14, 2012

    Dear Lenders,

    My name is Marc Figueras, I’m Client Relationship Mananger here in Senegal. I had the pleasure of meeting Aïssatou last Friday. Aïssatou lives in a small apartment in Parcelles Assainies, with her 15 year old son Julien, her little sister Agnès, and her elderly mother, who is often sick.


    Aïssatou is very passionate about her work. She works for an American multinational called Forever Living which specializes in the distribution of a range of healthy natural products, from cosmetics to nutritional supplements. Her job is to find new distributors (Forever Living partners) all around the country, and manage existing ones. She earns a commission on the revenues of each partner, and constantly travels to meet them. The challenge is to find entrepreneurial people, as most people prefer stable job with a salary. Aïssatou is dynamic, meticulous and organized (“c’est un travail de fourmi”). She enjoys working with distributors, because the products bring health to their communities as well as some profits for the partner.
    To someone with such an entrepreneurial spirit, microfinance is an essential tool for success. She encourages each distributor to use Zidisha.


    To Aïssatou, the value of her loan was that it really boosted her motivation to work. As you know, a few months ago, much of the inventory in which she’d invested her loan got stolen. But she did not give up, because she felt an obligation to succeed. Instead she worked twice as hard to find more partners. She is thankful to Zidisha for pushing her to work harder, and Forever Living rewarded her hard work with a promotion to the position of manager.

    Her economic situation now enables her to save some money for the future. She wants to build a house in Ziguinchor for her mother. She hopes to save enough money to send her son Julien -whose father passed away when he was only 18 months old- to university in Canada.

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