Honey centrifugal machine


Nairobi, Kenya

30% paid forward




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

128 installments  •  51%

About Me

my name is francis itengo omongoluk and i am interested in your services. I went to kakapel primary school in western Kenya where i completed my primary education. Life was not so easy that time whereby i used to walk several kilometers every morning to school. you can imagine walking that long bear foot with too much cold in my mountain location. My focus in life and hard work propelled me to completing my primary education. I managed to pass well and emerged the first in my school and i went to kolanya boys high school for my secondary education. I worked hard and also managed to complete secondary education. After high school i never wanted to stay idle after lacking money to go to college. I had to look for some job to do to earn a living. I landed a small job in a private security firm and that is what i have been depending upon to support me financially. i saved some money monthly till it was enough to buy some groceries for sale and that is how my small business came up.

My Business

I sell groceries to the people around my locality. I decided to sell groceries because i came to learn that they are the ones on daily use in many households. i chose to deal with these goods because they are readily available all year long in the market. I use some of the profits other house needs and i spare some for business growth.
From the grocery business I have been doing I am glad to say that I discovered a new business opportunity and that is beekeeping. I decided to spare some cash from my business in addition to the loan I received from zidisha and managed to purchase some beehives. I currently have ten beehives in my apiary. With the harvest coming from the beehives I am sure my revenue will increase.

Project Proposal

With this funds, once I get the amount I will use it to purchase a honey centrifugal machine. The machine acquisition will be be a very great milestone in my beekeeping project. The machine cost 300 USD or Ksh30, 000. This will be a manually operated machine and it will be a good starting point for quality honey production.






Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 19, 2022



Malta, Malta


Berkeley, CA, United States


Nairobi, Kenya


San Francisco, United States


Russel Stanbery

Columbia, United States


Juan Busco

United States






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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Francis

$107 (2 Projects)

Projects funded by Francis's Pay It Forward recipients

$822 (13 Projects)

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